New Year Requests

We are almost entering in a new year so I'm here to make a list of wishes that we (players) would like to Z8 Games do at this new year. I will speak for myself but I want that some other players give some ideas.


About the ribbons I think that they should create some good ones, but at least have this at count:

- Fix the bug at the HMX ribbons. (Or create some kind of tracker)

- Create a list of weapons to the "Real Man Wear Pink" Ribbon.

- Change the reward of the 30 ribbons to a permanent weapon (or item) and put a permanent weapon at 60 ribbons, like:

For the 30th and 60th ribbons very people was saying that should be a sniper or a shotgun, and there are some options:

- Barrett Noble Gold
- AWM Mori
- AWM Stripes
- AWM Silencer
- AWM Razer
- NS 2000
- Remington 870 Knife
- AA-12
- Jack Hammer Octane
- VSK-94 Camo

[size=+3]Bonus Point[/size]

They should create some rewards with Bonus Point, that we had at some years ago, per 10,000 ZP we received 1,000 BP's and we could trade that points for items, and this put the things fair between the people that never invest in the game, and the people that really invest in the game but have bad luck in Black Market.


About the Patches I think they should do every single patch a little bit of spoiler, just for the players stay tunned for more info and can be able to get some money or time.

[size=+3]Players Suggestions[/size]

At this part I think that Z8 Games should give more attention to the players suggestion because without us the game doesn't work, so we are like the life behind this game, so what Z8 could do:

- Some pools at the Forum, to know our preferences about weapons, modes, events, rules, etc.

- Give feed-back to the players that suggest something.

[size=+3]CrossFire Workshop[/size]

For the players that play CS:GO you might know what is the Workshop, we already had an event the "Show your skin" that was a very good event, and we could create in here at the forum, a workshop thread, and there the players could post their skins and CrossFire could use that skins to put in the game, and in change the player that created that skin receive a permanent weapon with his skin

[size=+3]Coupon Weapons[/size]

All of you know that those 100 coupon weapons are there at many time, and should be changed for other permanent weapons

[size=+3]EP Shop[/size]

Many people was suggesting that the EP Shop could have some Slaughter Tickets by EP's, I think a good idea too

[size=+3]Black Market GP[/size]

About the Black Market GP I think that they could do something very good in that, by adding nice new weapons as example:

- SG 552 Camo (We can win this cool weapon only for days, it would be great in GP Black Markey).

- Knife Black (Is a simple knife a little bit faster than the regular knife, but would be great).

- A permanent grenade, like Bambum grenade per example.

- M4A1 Camo, a simple M4A1 but with a nice skin, so would be nice.

If I remeber something I will edit it...

I think that it's all if I see something I will edit it.


  • The only thing we will surely get the new year is new dragon skinned ZP crates on January :p

    Ok for real now, I'd like to see more graphic changes like they did in some maps, but in weapons this time. Would love to see replaced the stale models of regular awm, deagle and other classic weapons with the new higher resolution models they used on the latest ZP weapons.
  • Good ideas but wrong department, should be in suggestions (not that it really matters).
    My main expectation here, before any other in-game additions, is hoping that Z8 improve Support Centre services considerably (especially in hack reports department) and that the GM's respond more often to our popular concerns around forums, just so we can avoid further false hopes.
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    Good ideas but wrong department (should be in suggestions) lol.

    I know you 100% right, but I think that in here more people would see, so until they don't move my thread will stay here...
  • High ping

    Pls am 20mp internet speed and i live in kuwait so what should i do to have a normal ping
  • 777566y wrote: »
    Pls am 20mp internet speed and i live in kuwait so what should i do to have a normal ping

    If you are lagging in all servers there is nothing that you can do, unless if you travel to another country, or other CrossFire version.
  • Agree with u and as Tuga1991 said we need from z8 to improve Support center services in hacks report
  • Thanks for posting such a well thought out post (I only wish the colors weren't so blinding, I ended up having to highlight the entire post in order to read it comfortably).

    Anyway, here are my thoughts :3 ...Once again, just my thoughts 0.0

    - Real Men Wear Pink: As far as pink weapons goes, it's most likely all guns that are majority pink. As we note with the Valentine Steyr and Laser Dagger, it's less than a 1/3rd pink, and thus it makes sense that it does not count. Why there isn't an official list seems dubious to me and I agree we should be provided one.

    - HMX ribbons: The problem is we don't have clarification on what games count toward the mutant/soldier ribbon. Does it need to be majority mutant/soldier wins, does it have to be all mutant/soldier wins, do we need to win as a soldier for the soldier ribbon, do we need a minimum number of rounds/people in the room? These are all very basic questions and should not be difficult to answer. We don't necessarily need a tracker if we have these answers.

    - 30 Ribbon Reward: I may be in the minority here but I don't see why it needs to be changed. It takes you 20 ribbons before you get your first perm weapon, and then another 20 for the next. After that, it gets much harder to obtain ribbons so they're already being generous by providing another perm weapon at 50 ribbons instead of 60. If they do decide to implement a perm weapon at 30 ribbons, great, but if they don't, I would respect that decision.

    - 60 Ribbon Reward: I'm far off from 60, but I'm definitely interested in a 60 Ribbon Reward being released.

    Other Items:
    - BP: As stated numerous times, this is out of the GMs control. Instead of focusing on BP, I'd like to remind everyone of the newly implemented EP system. I think the EP shop has been rather well received (minus the recent Headshot fiasco). While you're not guaranteed a gun like BP, you don't have to spend any money to earn EP. There's always pro's and con's, but I don't think a system similar to the old BP will be coming back.

    - Patches: Eh, I'm okay with waiting. Recently they've started providing the patch notes as soon as maintenance starts (or have they always done that?). Someone always figures out the major patch link anyway xD

    - Player's suggestions: What I've noticed is that recently the GMs have actually been doing a great job responding to players. For example, Cinder's timely communications to let players know they would be receiving their GM crates, Triton responding to questions in event threads he started and clarifying user questions, LaTosca taking time out for the forumers, Grumpy going the extra mile recently during the Christmas holidays, that GM that I've only seen in the Bugs/issues thread (thus I can't remember their name off the top of my head) had followed up with a player on ensuring the bug was fixed, etc.
    tl;dr I've noticed GMs have recently been more active in the forums and they should keep up this much appreciated attentiveness to the players.

    - Crossfire Workshop: Interesting concept but not something I would partake in. I'll leave it up to those players who are artistically gifted.

    - Coupon Weapons: I agree the current ones are a little lackluster. Wouldn't mind seeing them updated once a year.

    - EP Mall: Yes, put slaughter tickets in EP shop :O

    Final Thoughts:
    - Unfortunately, I only play ZM, HMX, and Knife matches, modes which aren't usually met with hackers. I believe there's an issue in ranked and other pub modes, so I think there needs to be something addressed. However, I wouldn't be able to provide any thoughts on this matter unfortunately. I'm curious to see how the tweaked KVS is going to pan out.

    Also, I typed this entire thing on my phone so if there are any mistakes, that's why 0.0
  • I'd like you to add one for me :)

    Players are able to trade weapons in game (I don't mean during battle, I mean permanently), at the cost of a ZP tax, perhaps 20 000 ZP. So the game can profit.
  • ghoster1 wrote: »
    I'd like you to add one for me :)

    Players are able to trade weapons in game (I don't mean during battle, I mean permanently), at the cost of a ZP tax, perhaps 20 000 ZP. So the game can profit.
    I support this. Toonie wants my AWM Xmas adv and I want his AK Halloween. Win win! Z8 take 1k ZP Win win win!
  • IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    I support this. Toonie wants my AWM Xmas adv and I want his AK Halloween. Win win! Z8 take 1k ZP Win win win!

    1 K is too little as their profits lol, be realistic xD
  • +1 to all this
    And please dun make more hard events/ribbons-related for the next month. We had enough this month. 40 hrs in 11 days.. Dayum..
  • [GGamer] wrote: »
    +1 to all this
    And please dun make more hard events/ribbons-related for the next month. We had enough this month. 40 hrs in 11 days.. Dayum..

    This event are nothing compare to what we use to have.. this event are easy.. you're lucky you have to do only 40 Hours.. back then we have to do 50 hours.. Lmao
  • Im_A_Flip wrote: »
    This event are nothing compare to what we use to have.. this event are easy.. you're lucky you have to do only 40 Hours.. back then we have to do 50 hours.. Lmao

    50 hrs in a month....
    I'm just saying we need sometime to chill.. no need for harsh events all the time.
  • I like your enthusiasm, but -1000 for the Slaugther Tickets! I spend over 50 euro to get the SFG character and I'm not gonna be happy when they just put it in the EP shop! So, if I were you, I would think first about the people that spend real money on Slaugther Tickets vs the people who are lucky enough to win an item in 1 ticket.
  • +1
    You've been explained or posted my next idea of suggestions,So hopefully we'll start the new year with those suggestions as well.
  • Briefly skimming this post, I like everything the OP said except for realistically, the Crossfire Workshop.. Sorry </3 !
    Also, ST's in the EP shop sounds like a fantastic idea, along with this I'd like to add in that maybe Special Reward Keys would be a good idea to add into the EP shop as well. I'm sorry to those players that wouldn't want this but these items should be there with what IS there. ST's have been too hard to obtain for a LONG time, and I'm thinking we're going to see the same thing with these Special Reward Keys, give it a year and nobody will be purchasing them. I say, yes! Let's get them in the EP shop and make them more available. -1 on VIPS in the EP shop though, to me these are a privilege that you earn when you dedicate your time, money, and energy, on crossfire. (Sorry player-haters.) The freebies that have came out recently are more then enough, anyway. Go play some ZM2, and you'll find some great EXP/Damage Reduction Bonuses+Exclusive Chars, and decent skinned weapons for a fair time-frame. :)
    And yes, 1+ on ribbons needing some work, I'd love to see some extra reward keys like "My Ribbons Are Made Of Gold" to obtain something like the M4A1-S-Gold/M4A1-S-Noble Beast at 75 ribbons. (Thus, Effort/Time=VIP) As well as "My Ribbons Are Painted With Targets" Granting you the "Targetman >>>>MALE<<<<" VIP. Char. At 100 Ribbons :) Haha! These are just suggestions, not exactly what I'd like to see!
  • I like your enthusiasm, but -1000 for the Slaugther Tickets! I spend over 50 euro to get the SFG character and I'm not gonna be happy when they just put it in the EP shop! So, if I were you, I would think first about the people that spend real money on Slaugther Tickets vs the people who are lucky enough to win an item in 1 ticket.

    +1 I spent a lot of money for that Shovel UG because it was quite rare to see and now every mido in this game has got one for free...
  • I agree with this "put a permanent weapon at 60 ribbons" also change permanent weapons with coupon in something other permanent! I disagree about slaughter tickets with EP..NO NO NO!!!! I've spent a lot of money to win all those chars/weapons,..and put them with EP "free"... will not be fair!!!!!
    In my opinion those who spent money on this game should have increased winning ratio in BM, against those who don't buy never ZP.

  • Bonus Points are gone. We received a compensation for all the BP we had left, and I can tell, those compensation rewards were not bad at all. SPOP-Elite, M4A1-Red Line, some AK47... No need to bring those back.
  • Change ranked system (this one is crap), add more maps in ranked (Ankara, Port, Mexico...), add better rewards for lower rank players soo more people will play ranked, do something about cheaters in ranked, remove neck damage in HS only, graphical changes on maps, guns etc., create some sort of communication system where people can talk to admins, stop ignoring tickets or skipping them, stop actually care soo much about money instead of community (if you care about community opinions and wishes you'll get even more money for sure), fix bugs, fix glitches on Arena, Downtown and change coupon permanent guns.
  • More important stuff like fix the old bug's glitching in maps, hackers, Trial a ping limit on 1/5 UK server. sick and tired of 300+ pings in UK servers... FIX THE REG seems like the lagger get's no DMG at all on that flying carpet.
  • I agree with some of the ideas you mentioned up there , i would like to add some aswell:

    I really hope you fix all the issues around here , the most important one is the lag which started from a few days ago.

    Change coupon guns once a year it is enough time for everyone to obtain atleast 1 of them (as you know coupon guns must be the rarest ).

    Do something new which called the player of the month, the best player of the month will be awarded with something good , and yeah i think some permanent weapon , so lets say there are 20,000 players played this month and you were the best one out of 20,000 , i would definitely say you are pro and really deserve something good!

    Change the '5 missions' or the achievements for every week , we get the same tasks over and over again and same rewards aswell, kinda bored right?

    Change dog tags rewards for something new or old doesn't really matter.

    I hope you remove FP mall , this is the stupidest decision z8/SG ever took , like I remember in the past playing with m700 to get some sniper badges , make it hard not everyone trolling with awm or kukri..

    Make new maps , by this i mean some good large , well-designed maps!

    That's all , hope they see this thread anyways..
  • I would definitely like to see some permanent weapons for 30, 60 and 70 ribbons. The reward for 30 ribbons is no longer valid anymore due to the fact that one player can earn above 10k GP depending on the amount of VIPs he has and the amount of VIP players he plays with in one room.

    As for another change that I like to see is posting spoilers on social media websites before a patch goes live. This used to happen back in the old days however, it stopped once we got new GMs. Not only does this hype up a patch but it could also boost sales. This is something that I like to see return.
  • Nice Ideas but got another idea , we need nice weapons in GP BM , most of new weapons aint that good (and dont have coupons) ..... thats something i wish to see :D
  • I only wish for support center to stop being useless as a third nipple
  • if Santa was actually real i'd have a permanent basic axe and an M4A1-Silver.