Poor connection!

I stayed and played CF from AUS( South Australia-Adelaide ) but I don't know why the Ping in game really hight!. It's around 300-450 ping My character always died before I shoot and that's really annoying. I loved this game. Does anybody stay at same situation can tell me how to fix the connection pls.


  • There is no fix to the problem since this version is aimed at North America and UK players therefore, the servers will be designed to fit them the best. However, I have seen a increase in demand from players playing in Australia which brings me to the question; Why hasn't Smilegate made a Australia CrossFire version yet or why isn't there a server for them. Since I do think this game could become bigger if they invested into bringing more players Australia since there seems to be some sort of interest regarding the game there.
  • yeah i think it's gonna better if they are going to make a server for Australian. Cuz this game not really hard to play and set up on computer. otherwise this is the big online game so i just hop i can play this game in Aus w-out lagging