CF NA going downhill hard

I cannot say anything else than 2016 was by far the worst year of Crossfire NA. The GM's are not interested in players anymore, they just keep updating the game for money. Removed KVS and then updated to a new anticheat system that doesn't work either. Ranked match is just a pool of hackers and no reports are event been reviewed anymore. Support turned out to be some automatic response with no personnal interest on users, but when it envolves money and in-game purchases, that's where every GM is going to be, as helpful as they possibly can be!

What promised to be the best event of the year turned out to be another dissapointment for the playerbase and just another vulgar display of power from the game masters, twisting rules at will and dispatching more and more players everytime they post something new.

While I have had good things happened this year on the game, bad things and POOR management from the ones who are supposed to be acting on your behalf surely surpasses them all by far.

As you may know, servers are all pretty much empty by now, either 'cause players just got tired of the ways of this new GM's or just switched to some other games with better support and overall gaming, rendering this game pretty much dead and abandoned at the moment.

By the way everything is going on around here, I don't expect this game to survive another year, this saddens my as I had a great time playing with friends and having a good time at game nights. Im only going to finish what I started and try to get the 50 ribbons rewards, which I think is not worth it btw I'm just doing this effort out of completeness and respect to my account, which I have spent so many hours of gameplay on.

There's nothing more to say than I'm sorry thing went the way they did this year, I really liked this game but right now there's a world of games out there that surpasses the quality and overall experience of this one. I'll be spending some time on ribbons and be gone when I reach the 50 mark.

Try not to blow too much money on a game with no proper player support and that is about to die any time soon. I hope everyone that is still playing this game enjoy what's left of it


  • nelson28 wrote: »
    I cannot say anything else than 2016 was by far the worst year of Crossfire NA. The GM's are not interested in players anymore, they just keep updating the game for money. Removed KVS and then updated to a new anticheat system that doesn't work either. Ranked match is just a pool of hackers and no reports are event been reviewed anymore. Support turned out to be some automatic response with no personnal interest on users, but when it envolves money and in-game purchases, that's where every GM is going to be, as helpful as they possibly can be!

    What promised to be the best event of the year turned out to be another dissapointment for the playerbase and just another vulgar display of power from the game masters, twisting rules at will and dispatching more and more players everytime they post something new.

    While I have had good things happened this year on the game, bad things and POOR management from the ones who are supposed to be acting on your behalf surely surpasses them all by far.

    As you may know, servers are all pretty much empty by now, either 'cause players just got tired of the ways of this new GM's or just switched to some other games with better support and overall gaming, rendering this game pretty much dead and abandoned at the moment.

    By the way everything is going on around here, I don't expect this game to survive another year, this saddens my as I had a great time playing with friends and having a good time at game nights. Im only going to finish what I started and try to get the 50 ribbons rewards, which I think is not worth it btw I'm just doing this effort out of completeness and respect to my account, which I have spent so many hours of gameplay on.

    There's nothing more to say than I'm sorry thing went the way they did this year, I really liked this game but right now there's a world of games out there that surpasses the quality and overall experience of this one. I'll be spending some time on ribbons and be gone when I reach the 50 mark.

    Try not to blow too much money on a game with no proper player support and that is about to die any time soon. I hope everyone that is still playing this game enjoy what's left of it

    Haters say this is true
  • they don't even care of players .
    i sumbit a thread a while ago in crossfire Barracks about crossfire and my issue and i know they will closed it without any explain ,
    and suprise they closed it .
  • see my threat and i advice you to don't waste your time on this game anymore , i got unfair banned after 6 years and now i advice a lot of friends to not come anymore because at the end they maybe got banned like me after hard work on there accounts and i won't come back again if the game doesn't improve and they solve my unfair banned .
  • Agree, been here since 2009 and got banned back in may unfairly
  • Mind you, they did announce the Kick Vote System coming back with some changes (I assume no Kick Votes in FFA and MM).

    As for the Anticheat not working, I haven't really caught sight of any cheaters, but that is most likely because they linger in the purgatory called ranked matches.

    However, I don't play Ranked Matches, so I cannot really say if people are blowing things out of proportion, or if they are being down to earth.

    I personally view the Rule of Farming Events as self explanatory. The CF Games threatened to disqualify you if you farmed as well. Although yes, it probably would avoid trouble in the long run if they stated the rules of the playing-field from the get-go.

    I can agree on the NA Servers being a Ghost Town, but the UK Servers seem to be doing quite well still.

    I'm personally rather positive regarding the future of this Game, but that might just be my general sense of character.
  • GM's go take notes, this is how allot of veterans think about the situation the game is in now.
    Its sad to see the game I've been playing and loved since 2009 going downhill with the poor management.

    Im still waiting for them to make a proper response to Bloodclart's thread. When you come with hard facts they either close (and redirect you to support lOl dont make me laugh) or simply ignore.
    Go take a read if you have some time to kill
  • You are too optimistic @Preset. Take a good look on CF and reflect again. Idk who's making all these decisions like with support's copy pasted replies technique and other stuff but I'm having bad vibes on this guy.
  • I totally got cha man. This year has been the worst management of all time in Crossfire. I didn't get my rewards from September Horror and Octember Chaos regardless of completing the event. But that was okay until this headshot event, which I gained all my headshot by playing in public for days, still was accused of farming abuse (the auto-reply told me that). I feel like I was treated unfair in this game all time! If it wasn't for my friends, I wouldn't have hesitate to whether quit or not. If they choose to ignore my case, sure good bye Crossfire!
  • I heard they got a new CEO of Smilegate West 2-3 years back and that's when things starting f'ng up.
  • Guess you have been so active lately, there was a whole bunch of hackers engaging in headshot mode during the entire event. RIP
  • xcvxcxcvx wrote: »
    which I gained all my headshot by playing in public for days, still was accused of farming abuse (the auto-reply told me that)
    That simply because half the time they dont bother to actually check their 'logs' but just throw in a reply to be done. This is quite worrying. Just look at the thread I linked above, Bloodclart has proven this with his experiment so it is no longer just speculation.
  • Not to mention the headquarters says what comes to this version and such which explains why we get stuff that's in china already almost a year later. Not to mention also these crappy ranks that aren't even HD.
  • I played day and night for the headshot event ... 5000 kills and hard work no farming only in public with hackers,glitch user and so on... really hard.. and now?..only 25.000 ep .. unfair cf very unfair ..
  • I suggested notions to improve big concerns of ours around here in our game and forums on the following threads:

    Most of you have read it by now, and as you can see, we are left with nothing but hope (on the second thread).. according to [GM]Grumpy, we have more to come from past suggestions. He said:
    [GM]Grumpy wrote: »
    There are several changes that are happening based on user feedback or suggestions, in fact probably more than anytime in the history of the game the suggestions are being worked as fast and also being done relatively quickly. Yes it is a good thing if GMs are able to spend a lot of time on the forums, but unfortunately this is not currently possible. And as I mentioned, if the choice is between spending sometime on the forum or fixing an issue, we will always try to fix the issue first, as it affects thousands of players.

    Now we have a couple and simple choices:

    Stay longer and see what will come-by in 2017 (maybe some past suggestions will really come and do some positive changes all around)


    TWO: Leave CF this year and... "let yourself die as a veteran hero, otherwise you'll be seeing yourself live long enough to become a villain."

    We literally have no other choices, unfortunately. This is like a gamble, we either risk it and hang around more or leave it in the past.
  • That GM also said changes will happen regarding hackers beginning of 2016 almost the end of the year with the same ones, so I highly doubt changes will happen. Telling players to send a ticket without having any success with support and they end up going to forums where a reply by GM along the lines of send a ticket and closing the thread, endless loop of no success.

    Did it get moved to suggestions because less people look at it?
  • ProSalyer wrote: »
    see my threat and i advice you to don't waste your time on this game anymore , i got unfair banned after 6 years and now i advice a lot of friends to not come anymore because at the end they maybe got banned like me after hard work on there accounts and i won't come back again if the game doesn't improve and they solve my unfair banned .

    Yeah I read your post too, It's a shame they banned your account as you seemed to have spent so much time and effort on it bro :/ I'm definitely not recommending this game to anyone anymore! And it's not like they are getting any new players anyways lol
    M1600wner wrote: »
    Mind you, they did announce the Kick Vote System coming back with some changes (I assume no Kick Votes in FFA and MM).

    As for the Anticheat not working, I haven't really caught sight of any cheaters, but that is most likely because they linger in the purgatory called ranked matches.

    However, I don't play Ranked Matches, so I cannot really say if people are blowing things out of proportion, or if they are being down to earth.

    I personally view the Rule of Farming Events as self explanatory. The CF Games threatened to disqualify you if you farmed as well. Although yes, it probably would avoid trouble in the long run if they stated the rules of the playing-field from the get-go.

    I can agree on the NA Servers being a Ghost Town, but the UK Servers seem to be doing quite well still.

    I'm personally rather positive regarding the future of this Game, but that might just be my general sense of character.

    1)KVS was announced to come back, but I'm not that optimystic about it 'cause I know they won't listen to abel's suggestion of ON/OFF options. They're just gonna limit modes them selfs (which is not that effective)
    2)Then obviously you haven't been playing as much as I have. At least I aimboter on every HS only room on NA servers, and Ranked Match is INFESTED with hackers. It's not a thing of you being affected or not by hackers, the problem resides on the fact that THERE ARE hackers abusing and disrupting the game either you play some modes or not, and I DO want to play ranked, but can't 'cause of HACKERS.
    3)Farming was never prohibited on this game before. And EVEN if it was going to be punishable, they SHOULD HAVE SAID SO FROM THE BEGINNING, NOT AT THE NEAR END OF EVENT. Don't they don't care about that, they just can take that people outsmarted them and don't want to pay the price for their lack of forseeing capacities.
    4)NA servers are quite dead. And UK servers are in the UK, therefore, ping is higher so Why would I play there in the first place? omg I don't know why I have to explain this kind of stuff. At least I take the responsability to explain what I have to explain not like others.*pun*

    xcvxcxcvx wrote: »
    I totally got cha man. This year has been the worst management of all time in Crossfire. I didn't get my rewards from September Horror and Octember Chaos regardless of completing the event. But that was okay until this headshot event, which I gained all my headshot by playing in public for days, still was accused of farming abuse (the auto-reply told me that). I feel like I was treated unfair in this game all time! If it wasn't for my friends, I wouldn't have hesitate to whether quit or not. If they choose to ignore my case, sure good bye Crossfire!

    Indeed my friend. That event was disastrous as well. Even if you send a ticket they are just gonna send you some copy-pasted response so I'm so sorry for you man, I know I wasted many hours on this event too and regret it deeply :/ Oh I'm just quitting at 50 ribbons, no point on waiting on them to reflect, they won't.
    IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    I heard they got a new CEO of Smilegate West 2-3 years back and that's when things starting f'ng up.

    Uhm that'd explain a lot. 'How to drive your company out of business' 101
    Glad to see this game dying.

    I used to love this game but they have done SO MUCH wrong that I just had enough. Other games are so much better and their Game Master knows how to treat there users. WITH RESPECT, that's how btw
    I played day and night for the headshot event ... 5000 kills and hard work no farming only in public with hackers,glitch user and so on... really hard.. and now?..only 25.000 ep .. unfair cf very unfair ..

    Me too man, me too! I played they whole last day, busted my eyes and head to get almost 1k kills with all the hackers and minipings rekt'ing me just to get 7k EP. RIP this game!
  • Support dont help
    Gm are not helpful
    Crossfire dont give the right amount of ep they say i farmed without any proof or something...they lie..

    So i delete the game its the best

    All other players who dont get there ep
    Delete the game too..
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    I suggested notions to improve big concerns of ours around here in our game and forums on the following threads:

    Most of you have read it by now, and as you can see, we are left with nothing but hope (on the second thread).. according to [GM]Grumpy, we have more to come from past suggestions. He said:

    Now we have a couple and simple choices:

    Stay longer and see what will come-by in 2017 (maybe some past suggestions will really come and do some positive changes all around)


    TWO: Leave CF this year and... "let yourself die as a veteran hero, otherwise you'll be seeing yourself live long enough to become a villain."

    We literally have no other choices, unfortunately. This is like a gamble, we either risk it and hang around more or leave it in the past.

    I've read your posts and I have to say a merging, as I stated before, it's the only way I see this game making another couple years. If that were to happen, I can only HOPE the new GM are treating users better than actual GM's here, who keep making up rules out of nowhere just to decline outsmarted rewards and making up excuses for poor management of the game.

    As you said, this two options are the only way here, and if they don't reflect on their wrong doing then I've already picked mine. After my 50th ribbon I'm out of this game, I'll leave with a clean record and a proof that I did my best to do something good while I stayed here. I have better ways to have a nice gaming night.

    oSasuke*** wrote: »
    That GM also said changes will happen regarding hackers beginning of 2016 almost the end of the year with the same ones, so I highly doubt changes will happen. Telling players to send a ticket without having any success with support and they end up going to forums where a reply by GM along the lines of send a ticket and closing the thread, endless loop of no success.

    Did it get moved to suggestions because less people look at it?

    '-Send a ticket so we can help you.
    -Nono, we cannot help you, you need to post a community thread so people support you, only then we can help you!
    -People can't help you here, go submit a ticket.'

    They are probably laughing at us everytime they post that kind of stuff, just like hackers when you type 'reported' on a room.
  • Support dont help
    Gm are not helpful
    Crossfire dont give the right amount of ep they say i farmed without any proof or something...they lie..

    So i delete the game its the best

    All other players who dont get there ep
    Delete the game too..

    Agreed. CFNA had a good run tho.
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    Did it get moved to suggestions because less people look at it?

    Support dont help
    Gm are not helpful
    Crossfire dont give the right amount of ep they say i farmed without any proof or something...they lie..

    So i delete the game its the best

    All other players who dont get there ep
    Delete the game too..

    I have collected 1100 Headshot and received 2115 EP Hahaha

    This game slow dying :cool:
  • 2017 must be the end. Ever since management was changed, the game seemed to die rather slowly.
    Now it has come to the point that it is picking up the pace....
  • Nah, they'll just add more skins and everyone will play again, H-ackers will probably just leave, all is good.
  • Yup. Blame is definitely on whoever is giving these orders. Basically the new staff.
  • You just found this out. Its been a slow death for months. By the end of 2017, this game will be gone. Players are now going to the two new games that are out right now. A lot of IGN players you will know. The talk on ts is there needs to be a change of power abuser GMs and mods. Just saying.
  • Sad fact is this thread will be ignored by them just like Blood's thread they rather reply to other useless threads. Adding rules at the end of events, where was this "farm" rule in CF Games or is it because it didn't involve them in losing money in that event. They enforced and took action on this rule of farming but not even bother to ban hackers even went as far as giving them permanent ranked guns.
  • So true. the hackers rule this game now. Players tell the truth and get an infraction while the hackers get the rewards.
  • You just found this out. Its been a slow death for months. By the end of 2017, this game will be gone. Players are now going to the two new games that are out right now. A lot of IGN players you will know. The talk on ts is there needs to be a change of power abuser GMs and mods. Just saying.

    That's true. This dying game can't last for more than 1 year.
    So true. the hackers rule this game now. Players tell the truth and get an infraction while the hackers get the rewards.

    yes, with a mod created youtube video says that they he is nice for being mod in cf Hue Hue hue.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Mind you, they did announce the Kick Vote System coming back with some changes (I assume no Kick Votes in FFA and MM).
    Sadly recently there's a bunch of Chinese aim bot hackers invade FFA and destroy everyone with their M700 or M60 (Of course, all hs easily). They drop 150-200 kills, trash talk others while admitting their hacking openly and we can't do anything... Report? They just drop their low rank (I mean, really low) alts really quick then make a new one.