A few suggestions

1. Enable Kicking in Clan Server
It's annoying when someone joins your room then goes idle or stays there on purpose to annoy you just because you don't change the game mode to the mode of their choice. A kick option would be better than remaking the room.

2. In-game report system
When you open your replay section in-game, there could be a little button that says "report". And this will prompt you to choose the replay file, and add extra details.

3. EP bulk crates
Just like ZP crates, it'd be easier if there was an option to buy 1 crate, 10 crates, 50 crates. It's much easier than buying them 1 by 1.

4. More permanent coupon weapons
Prior to 2011, 50 coupons and above guaranteed you a permanent weapon. Now it's only the 100 coupon slot. The only guaranteed way to obtain a permanent ZP weapon now is to spend 100 coupons, or buy a VIP.
You might think this could result in a loss, but it won't. Many people including me haven't bought ZP in months just because there's nothing I can get that justifies the amount of ZP I'd have to spend. Most of the ZP buyers nowadays are "weapon collectors" who just like to spin for crates regardless of what they are. They're the type of people who drop $200-300 on average every patch. Even if more permanent weapons were added, these people would continue their spending because they still want the newest guns. But it'd also encourage others to spend just so they can get coupons and at least get a guaranteed permanent weapon just in case they fail at winning a crate weapon.

5. Bring back Bonus Points
I know EP is supposed to be sort of a substitute for it. But much like point 4, it doesn't give out any permanent weapons like the BP mall did. It'd be nice to put back the M4 Silver and AK silver for maybe 100,000 EP a piece. Or just simply bring back BP so that we actually have to still buy ZP to get it.

will prob add more when I think of something


  • Well then, let's get to throwing in my Pennies.
    1. Enable Kicking in Clan Server
    It's annoying when someone joins your room then goes idle or stays there on purpose to annoy you just because you don't change the game mode to the mode of their choice. A kick option would be better than remaking the room.

    Sounds like a neat quality of life improvement, can't disagree in the slightest.
    2. In-game report system
    When you open your replay section in-game, there could be a little button that says "report". And this will prompt you to choose the replay file, and add extra details.

    Nice in concept, but probably a bit risque, seeing how if you make reporting easier, people who are... angry, shall we say, that you punched them to next Friday will be that much more inclined to false report you, clogging up the Ticket system.

    If we knew 100% that people would use this easier way of reporting someone responsibly, then I'd be all for it.
    3. EP bulk crates
    Just like ZP crates, it'd be easier if there was an option to buy 1 crate, 10 crates, 50 crates. It's much easier than buying them 1 by 1.

    They already did that with the Limited Quantity Crates with their 10 Bulk option, I'd wager that this suggestion most likely is already in the works.
    4. More permanent coupon weapons
    Prior to 2011, 50 coupons and above guaranteed you a permanent weapon. Now it's only the 100 coupon slot. The only guaranteed way to obtain a permanent ZP weapon now is to spend 100 coupons, or buy a VIP.
    You might think this could result in a loss, but it won't. Many people including me haven't bought ZP in months just because there's nothing I can get that justifies the amount of ZP I'd have to spend. Most of the ZP buyers nowadays are "weapon collectors" who just like to spin for crates regardless of what they are. They're the type of people who drop $200-300 on average every patch. Even if more permanent weapons were added, these people would continue their spending because they still want the newest guns. But it'd also encourage others to spend just so they can get coupons and at least get a guaranteed permanent weapon just in case they fail at winning a crate weapon.

    Also here, I'd imagine it's not up to Z8 what gets put into the Coupon Slots, and we already count as having been insanely lucky to have had 50 Coupon Perms (If I recall correctly, Saidin said that we were the ONLY Version with this much Perms) and upwards in the first place.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd be all over more perm Coupon Guns, but I won't be too sad if it doesn't happen, because... well, realistically, it probably won't. There is no Version that has more Perms than the 100 Coupon Row. And some don't even have perms at all.
    5. Bring back Bonus Points
    I know EP is supposed to be sort of a substitute for it. But much like point 4, it doesn't give out any permanent weapons like the BP mall did. It'd be nice to put back the M4 Silver and AK silver for maybe 100,000 EP a piece. Or just simply bring back BP so that we actually have to still buy ZP to get it.

    One could make the assumption that they'll put something Perm into the EP Mall, so I'd say to just have some patience, as there has been talking about some kind of "Store Update" which most likely will come with a new set of stuff. Perhaps even something permanent.

    All in all, you raise fair points. I'll be interested in seeing what others think about this.
  • 1. Yes, I agree.
    2. This actually already exists in Russian CF, dont know how effective it is, but players in our version are kinda abusive? Id probably get 10 reports on a daily basis lmao.
    3. We have this already?
    4. This is good idea, but its not gonna happen and its been suggested many times before.
    5. Would be nice to see perms for EP in case this headshot event gets limited because its pointless putting something if everyone's gonna get it rn. About BP, no idea why they shut down that shop as it was really good thing imo, however I dont think we are going to get it back.
  • I agree on every one of these, very thorough ideas.
  • Bump

    I would like to hear more opinions from my brothers and sisters in this community

    Peace and love to all of you!
  • R.I.P Frozen Pizza.

    This maybe he's last post/thread >.<'


    I agree with all 5 suggested idea's. It would be neat implementations for various reasons of improvement.