Looking for MATURE clan- possibly UK/EU

I'm looking for a relaxed CLEAN clan that plays during the day GMT (08.00 - 23.59 but mostly late evenings) it has to be english speaking. I play about 4-5 hours a week.

I have been playing for about three months and have just recently started turning in positive KDR's and am @ .96 overall.
I normally play TD as SnD and EM can be a pain with strangers but I still play them occasionally and will play much more with friends. this means that I will be happy to follow strat's as called.

Weapon wise I am an AUG/Deagle user usually with M4 or sub backup. I DO NOT SNIPE! (AWM- pah!)

I am happy to use ventrillo etc but someone will have to help me set it up as i have never used it before!!

they are more important than a game and so this means I cannot make it on every night.

Cheers, Crusoe
