Holiday Headshots: Community Event! [December 16th - December 20th]
i'll not say farmer is good but i want to ask for something .. can any one tell me where is rule or guidelines with : you can't farm ?
the point is farm is allowed because there is no rule saying : you can't farm ..
so you can't ask for punishment the farmers because they never seen a rule with this condition
that's all -
well , i have to admit that its their own fault to do event like this , so farmers will farm all day , but after they announced the event they cant change rewards , so they must give us rewards , and about the ep shop i think they shouldnt update it , its good for now , i really wanna own my dream gun from this shop..
RoadToMajor wrote: »well , i have to admit that its their own fault to do event like this , so farmers will farm all day , but after they announced the event they cant change rewards , so they must give us rewards , and about the ep shop i think they shouldnt update it , its good for now , i really wanna own my dream gun from this shop..
When we will get the rewards? -
i'll not say farmer is good but i want to ask for something .. can any one tell me where is rule or guidelines with : you can't farm ?
the point is farm is allowed because there is no rule saying : you can't farm ..
so you can't ask for punishment the farmers because they never seen a rule with this condition
that's all
Event farming is prohibited as far as I know. -
It's nice that everyone has a good chance now to earn a ZP weapon, more than ever.. seriously, if there is anyone who doesn't win something through this event, then you got cursed luck. The sad part is that, "too much of a good thing can have a bad effect." I.E: ZP weapons value will drop significantly even more, and many abusers will have enough EP accumulated, to last them a couple years, literally from this event alone. I.E: There are people who will get 50k EP total (as I already know some, who will) and then multiplied by 100 (bonus) will equate to 5 Million total EP, which is enough to buy themselves 5000 ZP crates, each costing 1000. Epic CF abuse of the decade.
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it. -
It's nice that everyone has a good chance now to earn a ZP weapon, more than ever.. seriously, if there is anyone who doesn't win something through this event, then you got cursed luck. The sad part is that, "too much of a good thing can have a bad effect." I.E: ZP weapons value will drop significantly even more, and many abusers will have enough EP accumulated, to last them a couple years, literally from this event alone. I.E: There are people who will get 50k EP total (as I already know some, who will) and then multiplied by 100 (bonus) will equate to 5 Million total EP, which is enough to buy themselves 5000 ZP crates, each costing 1000. Epic CF abuse of the dde.
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
Well , farmers can donit 1v8 , they can get a 700-800 hs a game , 1 game is 12 mins , which is 5 games per hour , 5 gamers per hours is 3500-4000 Hs , if farmers do it for 5 hours a day (i bet you they do more ), they can get up to 17500-20000 HS PER DAY , 5 days they can get 87500-100000 HS for the whole event... -
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
I wouldn't say that if I didn't know. I won't say how it's done either because that would be sharing an exploit.. I could show you privately if I wanted too.
PS: Get on your main, next time if you want to back talk me. -
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
I get 1000+ headshots everyday
And I'm not farming
Farmers with standing cows can do that x10 times -
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
RoadToMajor wrote: »Well , farmers can donit 1v8 , they can get a 700-800 hs a game , 1 game is 12 mins , which is 5 games per hour , 5 gamers per hours is 3500-4000 Hs , if farmers do it for 5 hours a day (i bet you they do more ), they can get up to 17500-20000 HS PER DAY , 5 days they can get 87500-100000 HS for the whole event...Im sure he was thinking about farmers.I get 1000+ headshots everyday
And I'm not farming
Farmers with standing cows can do that x10 times
Thanks for clarifying guys.
I guess he really has been inactive, that's why he's naive. ^ ^ -
I dont get who exactly would manage to get 50k kills over 5 days ? have you even sat with yourself and thought about it ? does it even make sense in your head ? with all the farming in the world that they would possibly manage to achieve the max they could get is at most 2000 to 3000 at max ... stop being a drama queen and quoting what others say without even thinking about it.
it looks like you have been living under a rock or something 😄 But to let you know (since you are back) first welcome back to the game 😝 Then ofc farmers can do more than 50k if they farm 12min 1v8 TDM's hell even without farming you can get more if you play all day but keep an eye on the posts you gonna see some stupid amout of headshots done 😄 -
I think Z8 needs to modify the EP mall crates, at least don't bring too much 'hot' ZP capsules such as Dragon Buster, Rebel series etc. Don't devalue these caps which many ZP players actually paied a lot for.
Why not? I want that aa12 so much 😍 -
IGetHigh96 wrote: »I still don't understand why farming is not prohibited yet. This wouldn't have been a problem if it was.
Taking action against llike lets say about 90% of the game isnt a smart thing to do but making some rules for events to try make it harder for farmers well...we all know thats still not gonna stop them from farming but i think its gonna lower the numbers of farming rooms "Maybe😁" -
Cre8LvEDGAF wrote: »im gunna go with since gm's cant join private rooms [ dunno if true ] they cant stop all farmers so gg
Taking action against llike lets say about 90% of the game isnt a smart thing to do but making some rules for events to try make it harder for farmers well...we all know thats still not gonna stop them from farming but i think its gonna lower the numbers of farming rooms "Maybe"
I also agree with what you said.
It's funny though, Z8 never seem to learn from past mistakes.. they make good/great events usually, but they never seem to implement adequate restrictions for better end results. At the end of the day, our version seems to accept farmers, as they do with us normal players. That's why they don't seem too bothered by what's going on. -
Cre8LvEDGAF wrote: »im gunna go with since gm's cant join private rooms [ dunno if true ] they cant stop all farmers so gg
LOL, GM's could stop Farmers if they were willing to spend some time working on it, at least on EVENT days. Example: all they needed to do is check the database, and set-up to only paying all players who finished the task(s) with less than 10 KDR total. Okay, maybe some farmers would always bypass a thing or two, that Staff couldn't control, but i'm sure Staff could do much better than they have now and eradicate many obvious low-life farmers out there, for fair-play. -
untill now more than 1000 farmer will get 1 million EPs ( some of them will pass 3 millions )
1000 free crates coming soon for farmers ( Danah and my_ying.9 ofc no comment )
no GM confirm how will z8 will reward Billions of EPs for this event
and untill any GM answer
headshot event farm is open and official ( as i see )
farmers now make deaths to balancing K\D and aware from profile suspects .
lets farm everyone .......What ? -
it looks like you have been living under a rock or something 😄 But to let you know (since you are back) first welcome back to the game 😝 Then ofc farmers can do more than 50k if they farm 12min 1v8 TDM's hell even without farming you can get more if you play all day but keep an eye on the posts you gonna see some stupid amout of headshots done 😄
Yup. 50k a day is easily achievable with 8 cows. Its even possible with 5 cows but you need to be on for over 18-20 hours. i don't have half as much time as before so picking up 2500 headshots an hour is nice.
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