Make Up Day for Events

So I've been thinking with many events that are on-going like the current one where you have to do a different task each day and at the end if you've completed each task you get an 'Overall' reward, that there should be something which i'm deeming a 'Make Up Day'

A Make-Up day would be an extra day at the end of an event (even better if it's on a weekend too!) in which players can use to complete a part of the event they might have missed be it because they were out of town and un-able to log in and play one of those days, or due to trusting the tracker too much, OR due to an event being announced too late and missing the first day of event, OR in say the case of the Halloween Hunt a clue/info for a specific day not being revealed until far far too late.

Ideally a player would only be able to choose one event day to 'Make-Up' however, i'm not certain how that'd be accomplished exactly. The alternatives are A) they can play and 'Make-Up' any part of the previous days of the event but at a penalty of some sort. or B)Say if you have 7 days of events and completing all 7 gets you the 'final' reward...add an 8th day to the event and have it so that by completing 7 of the 8 you'll get the final reward and doing all 8 just gets you a bit extra.

I think SOMETHING along these lines are needed because like said, sometimes it's hard to make so many consecutive days of an event especially if you have to work or have other things going on. And also the tracker issues which have costed so many people so many events...and quite honestly tracker issues are an issue that's on you guys and not the players. There's no reason trackers should have as many issues as they've been having and it'd go a long way in improving moral and trust within the player base if they worked properly or there was a 'Make-Up' day on events.
