Posting proof of cheating

The rule about not hackusating has been there for years. However, I think it is time to remove it. I think you should be able to upload OBVIOUS proof of someone cheating. The community should be able to vote and then the GMs should take it further, with visible termination of the cheater. I would not think this if I actually saw cheaters disappear from the game. Sadly, I keep seeing people I have reported months ago. Something has to be done, you need to get the trust back from your community.


  • No. This is what we have support team for, that's their job, and that's how it should stay. Smilegate made the rules, so they decide who gets punished for breaking them, not the players. What you're suggesting will just lead to false accusations, a lot of spam and insulting on forums. You're complaining the time between a report and the actual ban of the reported person takes too long, well, guess how much longer it will take if players on forums had to "decide" first just like you're suggesting it.
  • The rule about not hackusating has been there for years. However, I think it is time to remove it. I think you should be able to upload OBVIOUS proof of someone cheating. The community should be able to vote and then the GMs should take it further, with visible termination of the cheater. I would not think this if I actually saw cheaters disappear from the game. Sadly, I keep seeing people I have reported months ago. Something has to be done, you need to get the trust back from your community.

    Welcome to Crossfire my friend.
    Danah wrote: »
    No. This is what we have support team for, that's their job, and that's how it should stay. Smilegate made the rules, so they decide who gets punished for breaking them, not the players. What you're suggesting will just lead to false accusations, a lot of spam and insulting on forums. You're complaining the time between a report and the actual ban of the reported person takes too long, well, guess how much longer it will take if players on forums had to "decide" first just like you're suggesting it.

    Wow can't believe you're still around, have a nice weekend.
  • Danah wrote: »
    No. This is what we have support team for, that's their job, and that's how it should stay. Smilegate made the rules, so they decide who gets punished for breaking them, not the players. What you're suggesting will just lead to false accusations, a lot of spam and insulting on forums. You're complaining the time between a report and the actual ban of the reported person takes too long, well, guess how much longer it will take if players on forums had to "decide" first just like you're suggesting it.

    Yes, this is what we have the support team for. The problem is, as stated before, I can not see any cheaters disappearing from the game. By saying someone is cheating OBVIOUSLY, they have to spin or run around spraying m60 all over the place missing zero bullets. That can not be said to be a false accusation. Did I say everybody in the community had to vote for the GMs to do something about it? Also, I believe the community can tell if someone is cheating better than the support. Since we actually played the game since the beginning. Let us say for an example. Someone uploads a video or replay of someone spinboting. People watch it and let us say 20 people vote yes. Then the GM watches the video and agrees. Wohoo, one cheater out of the way. That is how you clean a game from cheaters. This is all in my opinion. Not trying to trashtalk the support team or anything.
  • Yes, this is what we have the support team for. The problem is, as stated before, I can not see any cheaters disappearing from the game. By saying someone is cheating OBVIOUSLY, they have to spin or run around spraying m60 all over the place missing zero bullets. That can not be said to be a false accusation. Did I say everybody in the community had to vote for the GMs to do something about it? Also, I believe the community can tell if someone is cheating better than the support. Since we actually played the game since the beginning. Let us say for an example. Someone uploads a video or replay of someone spinboting. People watch it and let us say 20 people vote yes. Then the GM watches the video and agrees. Wohoo, one cheater out of the way. That is how you clean a game from cheaters. This is all in my opinion. Not trying to trashtalk the support team or anything.

    Yeah, let's say someone doesn't like you, posts a video of you "cheating", creates a few alt accounts and uses them all to accuse you of cheating. A GM will have to look over it, just as you suggest it, finds out you're not cheating and it was all fake. Long story short, a complete waste of time of every staff member, who could've used the time to actually answer a ticket. Then again, a cheater doesn't get reported by one person. A cheater gets reported by many players. So, each of them will come on forums to post about it, and the whole thing starts again. A GM will have to look at it, oh look, he's already been reported multiple times, and time is wasted again.

    Sorry, but the largest part of our community isn't mature enough to properly use a system like this :)
  • Danah wrote: »
    Yeah, let's say someone doesn't like you, posts a video of you "cheating", creates a few alt accounts and uses them all to accuse you of cheating. A GM will have to look over it, just as you suggest it, finds out you're not cheating and it was all fake. Long story short, a complete waste of time of every staff member, who could've used the time to actually answer a ticket. Then again, a cheater doesn't get reported by one person. A cheater gets reported by many players. So, each of them will come on forums to post about it, and the whole thing starts again. A GM will have to look at it, oh look, he's already been reported multiple times, and time is wasted again.

    Sorry, but the largest part of our community isn't mature enough to properly use a system like this :)

    You could always add a rule to give infractions to people who post stuff that is not obvious. You only need one staff member to look over it. What are the others gonna do? We are hardly enough people on these forums to make it hard for one person to handle it. Forum mods can handle problems with hatred and so on. I honestly do not even think it would be that time consuming. + Mods can see if it is alts or not.
  • You could always add a rule to give infractions to people who post stuff that is not obvious. You only need one staff member to look over it. What are the others gonna do? We are hardly enough people on these forums to make it hard for one person to handle it. Forum mods can handle problems with hatred and so on. I honestly do not even think it would be that time consuming. + Mods can see if it is alts or not.

    "You could always add a rule to give infractions", yeah, we already have that rule. It says no hackusating on forums.

    Saying we have hardly enough people here, there are currently 3761852 registered forum accounts. Sure, lots of them are not in use, but as you could lately see on those "please unban us" threads, there sure can be a lot of trolls spamming useless stuff.
  • Danah wrote: »
    "You could always add a rule to give infractions", yeah, we already have that rule. It says no hackusating on forums.

    Saying we have hardly enough people here, there are currently 3761852 registered forum accounts. Sure, lots of them are not in use, but as you could lately see on those "please unban us" threads, there sure can be a lot of trolls spamming useless stuff.

    I think a lot of those users are wasting the support team's time, by spaming tickets about unbaning them for cheating or getting their account back after selling it or w.e reason. It is quite easy to silence trolls though. Mute their mac address from typing in the forums. Then they can create however many alts they want, they will not be able to type from the pc they are using.
  • It would be nice to do that here, since Support Centre has been futile, but to be honest, Danah is right. Things could then get out of hand and many people would start to abuse around here with endless accusations.

    Best option here is, if Support Centre improved drastically, there's 'no real' other way.
  • no thanks... the last thing I want to see is the forums spammed with hackusations. On top of that, there would be a lot of false hackusations on people which could ruin their "rep" in the community.