aa-12 crates for EP


  • Why not a permanent AA12 Buster for EP right away?
  • Although I really wanna get it(if u mean AA Buster) but we already have Tesla there.
    So.. -1
  • or even better...aa12 for coupons xD

    Danah wrote: »
    Why not a permanent AA12 Buster for EP right away?

    oh come on this gun is only useful in Zombie , so what does it matter?
    [GGamer] wrote: »

  • Pol_Walker wrote: »


    oh come on this gun is only useful in Zombie , so what does it matter?


    I think we're already "blessed" with the AWM VIP in the EP store...
  • Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?

    It's <<>>ing 100 coupons guns...they're supposed to be OP

  • Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?

    It's <<>>ing 100 coupons guns...they're supposed to be OP


    oh yea cause I forgot how hard 100 coupons is to get if you spend even a little bit each update....

    but maybe it's not so much the fact that it'd be OP guns in the coupon storage but the fact that people spent big money to win the weapon already or at least a version of it. I'd maybe be okay with adding in an OP crate weapon as a temporary at a high coupon cost say 70 tickets for 7 days of Tesla. But I bet even that would make Tesla owners rage. It's bad enough when they add weapons that are version of crate guns and make them super easy to get like all of the Gold Skull weapons they added with Shattered Station Hard, and especially the KAC GS. Those should have only been available upon Heroic Clear but instead you can get them 7 days from the special Boxes, 7 days in Heroic Clear, and even 30 days at game clear. RIP anyone whoever won a perm KAC in ZP crates. but yea...tell me more about doing that but even worse with permanent weapons in coupon exchange...

    that being said...I'd be okay with adding the Dragon Buster Crate into the EP shop if switched out for the Tesla crate. I mean supposedly the EP shop will get changed out every so often and it's a logical switch out choice there as i'm sure the Dragon Buster crate would be popular. I'd also like to see the Ares crates make an appearance in the EP shop as well. And the M1A1 Carbine.
    Pol_Walker wrote:
    oh come on this gun is only useful in Zombie , so what does it matter?
    have you ever used an AA12 before? It's pretty OP in lots of modes Ghost and SS S&D are prime examples....the AA12 Busters just has extra SUPER OP abilities in ZM and ZM2.
  • Ixith wrote: »

    that being said...I'd be okay with adding the Dragon Buster Crate into the EP shop if switched out for the Tesla crate. I mean supposedly the EP shop will get changed out every so often and it's a logical switch out choice there as i'm sure the Dragon Buster crate would be popular

    Right, to give them the chance to win a Dual Steyr TMP for EP...
  • you mean the dragon buster crates ? i disagree :/
  • Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?

    It's <<>>ing 100 coupons guns...they're supposed to be OP


    I own every permanent coupon weapon, I own an endless ammount of armor, Black Knife, Bamboo Grenade and FC Grenade, and I own every current temporary coupon weapon. Don't tell me it's hard to get coupons.
  • I made this thread because I just opened 52 dragon buster crates and won no thing =(

    What kind of devilish tactic by Z8 is that?give away tons of free crates and decrease the chances of winning? :mad:
  • Pol_Walker wrote: »
    I made this thread because I just opened 52 dragon buster crates and won no thing =(

    What kind of devilish tactic by Z8 is that?give away tons of free crates and decrease the chances of winning? :mad:

    I should've known it was all about that...


    52 crates are nothing.
  • Danah wrote: »
    I should've known it was all about that...


    52 crates are nothing.
    In my country we call it "The satiated won't know the hunger"

    Any other players are turn no life mode with every patch/every event only for get as many crates as possible

    You're not a very good example.try win some thing only by spin events boxes and then talk

    Don't get me wrong I've got loads of money but I'm not stupid enough to waste them on games
  • Pol_Walker wrote: »
    In my country we call it "The satiated won't know the hunger"

    Any other players are turn no life mode with every patch/every event only for get as many crates as possible

    You're not a very good example.try win some thing only by spin events boxes and then talk

    Don't get me wrong I've got loads of money but I'm not stupid enough to waste them on games

    So all in all this thread is about you crying about not winning at Black Market and insulting people who buy a lot of ZP.

    About your statement "give away tons of free crates and decrease the chances of winning", I won the AA12 in 10 crates. :)
  • Ixith wrote: »
    oh yea cause I forgot how hard 100 coupons is to get if you spend even a little bit each update....

    but maybe it's not so much the fact that it'd be OP guns in the coupon storage but the fact that people spent big money to win the weapon already or at least a version of it. I'd maybe be okay with adding in an OP crate weapon as a temporary at a high coupon cost say 70 tickets for 7 days of Tesla. But I bet even that would make Tesla owners rage. It's bad enough when they add weapons that are version of crate guns and make them super easy to get like all of the Gold Skull weapons they added with Shattered Station Hard, and especially the KAC GS. Those should have only been available upon Heroic Clear but instead you can get them 7 days from the special Boxes, 7 days in Heroic Clear, and even 30 days at game clear. RIP anyone whoever won a perm KAC in ZP crates. but yea...tell me more about doing that but even worse with permanent weapons in coupon exchange...

    that being said...I'd be okay with adding the Dragon Buster Crate into the EP shop if switched out for the Tesla crate. I mean supposedly the EP shop will get changed out every so often and it's a logical switch out choice there as i'm sure the Dragon Buster crate would be popular. I'd also like to see the Ares crates make an appearance in the EP shop as well. And the M1A1 Carbine.

    have you ever used an AA12 before? It's pretty OP in lots of modes Ghost and SS S&D are prime examples....the AA12 Busters just has extra SUPER OP abilities in ZM and ZM2.


    If you so care about the people crying how much it's "not fair" toward all of those who spent some real $$$ on that crate then you should blame the Gm's for add that "Web mall shop" from the very begin of it

    Also for add x-mas crates for complete daily mission and and AWM vip and FP mall

    Only now you remembered to say it's "not fair"?LOL
  • Pol_Walker - As much as I feel empathy for your pain........... I disagree with the threads suggestion (I am sure many do). Only because I don't want to see even more rookies running around with high pings from foreign territory with the most OP guns in the games history, spraying away like no tomorrow.

    I could give you BM Tips, but seems that you have your forum PM's disabled.
  • or even better...aa12 for coupons xD

    +1 .........
  • Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?

    It's <<>>ing 100 coupons guns...they're supposed to be OP


    Keep living in your little bubble world where the "100 coupon guns = OP guns" mentality is the primary law while in the real world, getting 100 coupons from free zp crates can be as fast as snapping your fingers.....

    Want "OP"? Pay. Its not rocket science.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Keep living in your little bubble world where the "100 coupon guns = OP guns" mentality is the primary law while in the real world, getting 100 coupons from free zp crates can be as fast as snapping your fingers.....

    Want "OP"? Pay. Its not rocket science.

    Said the person who lives in "CF forums land" and have no idea what's going on out of these forums LOL .do you even got some real life out of this place?social life or some thing?

    If you only had a bit of awareness then you already saw that they're giving away (what you claim to call "OP guns") absolutely for free (KAC/TMP/VIPs/Laser dagger/4-5 Golden Barretts in every snipe match)

    Asking "OP guns for coupons" is out of reality?Lamo they're giving them for free...at least I ask them for coupons which require some time and effort from the players...and not just get them for free from some "log in attendance system"
  • Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?
    Because at the end of the day, most people know that overpowered guns, when too easily accessible, will make the game quite an unpleasant one to play. I'm already fed up with the amount of TMPs in the game, I don't need a sh*tload of AA-12s now.
    It's <<>>ing 100 coupons guns...they're supposed to be OP


    Tell tht to that Dragunov TIGR variant ;)

    best regards,
  • Said the person who lives in "CF forums land" and have no idea what's going on out of these forums LOL .do you even got some real life out of this place?social life or some thing? Considering you've been crying/demanding for the past year the same OP coupons suggestion so much that whenever theres anything about coupons on these forums, theres a 100% chance you'll be there and ask the same thing again,you're not the one to ask such things lmao

    If you only had a bit of awareness then you already saw that they're giving away (what you claim to call "OP guns") absolutely for free (KAC/TMP/VIPs/Laser dagger/4-5 Golden Barretts in every snipe match) The said "awareness" should apply to you because you just answered your "Why people are so much against the idea of overpowered guns in the coupons guns?" question. There's already enough ways to get "OP" weapons

    Asking "OP guns for coupons" is out of reality?Lamo they're giving them for free...at least I ask them for coupons which require some time and effort from the players...and not just get them for free from some "log in attendance system" And having a new way of getting "OP" guns through coupons is supposed to help the game? On the contrary,it would only harm it more. As I said above,getting to 100 coupons can be as fast as snapping your fingers since the ammount of free zp crates is already big as it is

    If there's still any unclear stuff.