No damage on sniper modes

RECENT EVENT showed us that sniper and melee do not work my SUGGESTION IS NO MELEE DAMAGE FROM MELEE DURING sniper map' if u only have a shovel kukri knife....u could never damage a player with sniper.WHAT THE FOK GUYS:IT IS CALLED SNIPER MODE, NOT MELEE WEAPON MODE.SO , NO DMG ON MELEE WILL MAKE MY DAY. I BEG U PLEASE MAKE THEM CRY>>>>>>>>


  • It's been suggested many times before. It is now in the hands of the GMs to push this suggestion towards the developers. I completely agree with this suggestion! +1

    It has also been suggested numerous recently:

  • -1

    Knifing is fun in sniper modes when you're in a tough situation like 2 feet away from the enemy and you missed your first shot. Btw you can easily kill a melee player just so you know. He's using a knife and you have a sniper..
  • I'll restate my opinions on this....

    A)If you can't snipe a knife running the gauntlet to get to need to practice sniping more. And if it's TDM or S& need a better team too. The only excuse really to get constantly knifed in sniper mode is if it's in FFA.

    B)Knifing is available to ALL modes as a 'last resort' be it for an individual player who runs out of ammo or if by some extreme stroke of horrible players getting enlisted as storm troopers and they ALL run out of they still have a way to progress the match and kill each other. (Yes ALL players running out of ammo would be like 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance of happening...but theoretically it COULD. The only plausible solution would be to drop in ammo refill boxes like you see in ZM maps at the base areas of maps and scattered around in FFA maps. But That's a lot of work for such little benefit.) And while yes a player COULD pick up another weapon should they run out of ammo themselves...that'd dependent on another weapon from a fallen ally/foe being nearby. Often times that option ISN'T an option.

    C)The best PLAUSIBLE solution IMO....reduce the damage of melees to be capped at 10-20 damage on modes like Snipers Only and Shotguns Only. This still gives players the 'last resort' option but drops the deadliness of knifers meaning players will be use the weapon of the mode, per example...snipers only. (and on a side note it could make for an interesting mini-game scenario...think 'Slappers Only' on 007 Goldeneye.)

    D)Finally...the game was originally intended to have the melee options always enabled. While the addition of some kind to push/encourage the use of the weapon type that the match is designed for would be nice especially since it is desired by a significant portion of the player base....your best bet is to just get used to it and adapt. Learn your enemies and their strategies and figure out how to counter them. It's really not that hard with knifers either...especially when you have a 1 hit kill at great distances weapon and they have a 1 hit kill at close range best...

    E)If they are to do anything that'll greatly effect Snipers Only matches....I'd rather see something be done with the VIP Char kick glitch which gets super abused in Sniper Only matches since it gives those people a much greater edge in such matches.