Revised Forum Rules/Scrutiny of Moderator (mis)conduct

Earlier this year, I got permanently banned on my main forum account FrozenPizza. After talking to different mods and GMs I ended up getting it unbanned. After posting on it for about 2 weeks, the same moderator banned me again, only for support to unban me once again. I haven't used that account since.

3 days ago, I got permanently banned on my new main forum account FrozenPizza[ after getting my 10th infraction on it. After sending about 3 support tickets, I got the infraction reversed and the account unbanned once again( thank you). Mind you, the reason for my infraction was really stupid and I'm sure no one else would've infracted me over it.

So pretty much, banned by a mod thrice, unbanned by a GM thrice.

Clearly something's wrong with the rules of the forums or at least the way moderators are enforcing them if people are getting infracted left and right over miniscule reasons.

Lots of active forumers have gotten permanently banned just because they accumulated lots of small infractions over the course of however long they've been posting on the forums.
Two that come to mind are Dupree and BigMeanie. Both active forumers and are not known for being toxic or rule breaking.

It'd be nice if the GMs keep a close eye on the moderating that goes on or maybe adjust some of the rules to allow people to post more freely.


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