November Anarchy! November 9th - 30th
TheShadowRo wrote: »Bulletproof Vest 30 Days - 5600 ZP or 15 cupons
Bulletproof Helmet 30 Days - 4900 ZP or 15 cupons
Smoke Protection 30 Days - 3000 ZP
Those 3 prize items worth 13500 ZP or 30 cupons + 3000 ZP
And you are well equipped for the next 30 days - so rewards are good ... and those mission are not so impossible to achive, in fact today i just finish all of them (last to complete was 20 hours play time)
P.S i consider as a bonus prize: + Kukri Tiger 30 Days and Flash Guard 30 Days (flash guard indeed is a joke prize ... but for new players with low GP can be useful)
maybe they could lend us the zp instead of those prizes...... -
EGAlexander wrote: »good but kukri riger VIP Or ?omarsalah11 wrote: »Gm i finsh Event Where 70k EP + Sniper Week Ribbon ?omarsalah11 wrote: »i finsh Event November Anarchy where awesome rewards package!
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