ShadowsCreed Recruiting

As the title implies ShadowsCreed is recruiting. As for the details, we are just getting started and I'm the leader. The rules are 2 guns (M700 and M16 don't count)(exception is low rank will accept with 1 gun). We are mainly Ghost Mode, if you don't play ghost mode that's ok just more likely to get accepted if your decent/pro at GM. At least a .7 KDR. No flaming, hacking, complaining, crying, or glitching.
As for me, the Leader, I've been in top ranked GM clans. I'm sorry for leaving them but i wanted to start my own clan. I was in Ninjasoncrak (leader of Xe_fusion started this clan), then I went to UndeadElites (now called Extinction), and my final clan was HelloKitties (very good clan ONLY left for the fact I wanted to start my own clan. Sorry HelloKitties and UndeadElites.)
If you apply My LT. or I will accept you ASAP.
