Re-structure of ticket system

So for years now everyone has been complaining abpit how their reports and such have always been ignored. Today ive experienced yet again another "lousy" (excuse me the expression) service by z8games.

I made a ticket about a situation regarding the event tracker and i got a fast answer which was great however the answer was not clear and i asked for a better explanation and a bit later i got a new answer but it was the samd copy past answer yes exactly and 100% equal to the first response no word change no nothing.

I immediately felt like the team is treating me like i am stupid or someone with low IQ with this type of response. Mind that i do know that more than one person is answering the tickets but i had stated on the second ticket the id of my first ticket and the person who was answering only had to check the ticket and see that the type of copy paste answer was already sent.

In the end i decided to drop the subject because it always ends up the samd way and just like this thread it will probably end in oblivion. Either way i would like for forum players to express their suggestions regarding the ticket system here.

My suggestions:

More detailed personal service;
Dont close tickets as soon as you answer because players might wstill have doubts;
Stop with the automatic copy paste answers
Set the system like a closed/private forum chat between the person and the GM in question.



  • Was your question clear?

    A chat with them would be abused. People would probably ask random stuff and just waste more of their times.
  • My suggestions:

    More detailed personal service;- This would result in much longer ticket times, and a backlog of tickets since support staff receives hundreds per day.
    Dont close tickets as soon as you answer because players might wstill have doubts; - Some tickets aren't closed as soon as answered. The tickets that are, are when things have been explained as far as they will be and don't require a conversation.
    Stop with the automatic copy paste answers - Answers are never automatic. They might give the same answers to people, but this is only when those people ask the exact same question.
    Set the system like a closed/private forum chat between the person and the GM in question. - Their team simply doesn't have the time, numbers, or resources to wait for the person they are helping to answer completely before they can help someone else.


    Please see my thoughts above in red.
  • Please see my thoughts above in red.
    i do understand it would take longer and there are tons of tickets submitted every day and when i say "be more personal" im not expecting a full conversation to occur. Im just suggesting that the answers should be more "human-like" and not the way that they are now. In my two tickets i asked different questions and got the same copy pasted answer and thats what im suggesting to change.(the lattest part in response to the other post as well).
  • The idea is good, it was incorporated in some other games I played but the difference here is there are many kids that will for sure go off topic and ask for free stuff and just waste time. Take a look at the Friday streams.
  • Yes the community is "rotten" and full of kids that will ask for random stuff but why should the rest of us suffer because of others? There are millions of dollars/euros or whatever that flow to this game and I've been playing since 2009 and he "costumer service" has always been horrible to be honest. Its the only game on pair with another that i wont mention that had the worst costumer service and it doesn't make sense since this game is so "big" and I'm not criticizing the team i'm just criticizing the structure behind this game. Even if the feedback from a team would take more than 24h i think it would be acceptable since the service would increase in quality.
  • True not everyone was angels in the other game I played, so what the GMs did there was if they went off topic or started to spam and ask for things that weren't related to their question or simply one just entered the live chat to bother the support workers was they sent something like "If there is nothing else I can assist you with I must end the live chat..." something along those lines and the chat quickly ended. Either way I see it the current support needs working on.