Event tracker in game

First Part :
currently we face a lot of bugs in event tracker on web site , all September and then October which made a lot of us going crazy " how i wasted all that time for nothing " ..
So why we haven't tracker in GAME like Daily mission tracker or Badge tracker .. its a new tab or new page which when u do smthg it directly count and u hit the tab to get ur rewared [ image.jpgphotos upload ]
for events there are many kind of them so there some suggestion :
1- for daily event : which require one day to do .. it will be like daily mission finish ur event and hit the reward tab to take ur rewared
2- for monthly event :which require all monthto do .. it will be in page many tasks to do every task count directly and when u finish all hit the same tab OR CF Center when they update profile every 24 hour take the results and give the rewareds
3- for continued events : like u must do last mission to do next one .. when u miss one event page not available for u
it will be easier than every 2 hour check Event Tracker from web site and bug issue .. here example
Crossfire20161028_0001.jpgimage hosting 10mb limit

BTW : Event Page may containe many sections for many events occure at the same time (like slite 1 , 2 ..etc )
Second Part :
to make a manual tracker like Extra mission tracker when u choose a mode and time or kill its kinda like that . We can choose any mode and time or kills then when we hit tab called clear .. its clear all things i have done


  • Having the Tracker Directly In-Game would be neat, although I'd like it the reward distribution to still happen automatically, instead of pressing the button for confirmation.

    I remember not redeeming the Grenade Set from the Attendance System because I simply forgot to redeem my reward after finishing it.
  • Nice idea and you would be nice if you don't need to press the "Reward" button though.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Having the Tracker Directly In-Game would be neat, although I'd like it the reward distribution to still happen automatically, instead of pressing the button for confirmation.

    I remember not redeeming the Grenade Set from the Attendance System because I simply forgot to redeem my reward after finishing it.
    HELLO we are talking about events here who would forget to take his reward .. at least it will be ur fault its better than when you do every thing require and reward nothing for bug or some one fault !
    anyway put event tracker in event would be nice than web site i don't mind how rewards will be distribution
  • I like the idea as it also pushes events into the minds of more people who might not be a website visitor or a subscriber to the various social media outlets where events and patchs are announced. At the same time it'd allow people to track progress quicker and without having to leave the game. However, I'm not sure how well they'd be able to manage an in-game one as the out of game one has enough flaws in it and while we could hope that an ingame tracker would be easier to make work properly....i'd have my doubts.

    In regards to rewards being given out instantly or having to press a 'Get Reward' button.....i'm kind of torn. I like the idea of things going straight to inventory/account....but at the same time I like knowing when i got them so I don't have something temporary that I might have wanted to use lose too much time on me before realizing I have it. Perhaps a solution to prevent forgetting you have rewards to claim would be one of those lovely pop up messages they have....not like they don't have them for 1000000000000000 other things already.
    (but seriously remove the Fever bar, FP, and Attendance pop up acknowledgements that tell you, that you just got a m4a1 blue crystal/hit a spot on the Fever Bar/got a weekend box that you just watched the game SHOW you getting on the attendance calendar. Like srsly....)