
How about a balancing update rather than just guns and another snd map eh?

Patch stuff that breaks the game like vip kick spam
Edit overpowered weapons *cough* remove steyr tmps JHP *cough*
Lower attack damage on Devil Terminators in new map pack cause if the game isnt full the hunters at extreme disadvantage

Anything i missed lets talk about it :)


  • I wouldn't mind if they forucs more on fixing bugs and glitches. And improving the overall gameplay.

    But the reason why this game is still alive and going is because of new content such as modes. maps, guns and characters.
  • I agree with Abel. Would love to see an update that focuses on fixing bugs and glitches. Though we need new maps....don't think we really need new modes, chars, or even guns right now. I think we'd be fine for an update or two without those or at least without as many of those. So many modes with very few maps as it is, characters aren't super important and usually end up being costly, and guns...we have so many and rarely do they ever add in a NEW gun...usually just reskins or something that upsets balance and makes people QQ and start forum topics complaining about it. x]

    Though I'd agree if a 'Balance Overview' is done and then implemented game wide all at once....that'd probably be a good thing. Though...still would better appreciate bug/glitch fixes, new maps for modes with few maps, and server upgrades to higher tick rates.
  • New maps, items, guns (not necessarily black market but events that give them out are the best) do make the game more fun. *hint hint HMX expansion pack*
  • it will be great if they removed the tmp , +1