Replace steyr tmp with jatimatic

Still nothing has been done after countless rant threads about op free gun which is probably the best close quarters battle weapon in the game. I suggest you to replace it with jatimatic since it seems that you keep your policy of giving op weapons like candy. Jatimatic is overpowered too as far as I know but atleast I wont get pinned in 1 spot and die before I can even react.


  • Isn't the Jatimatic already available for choosing in the Primary Weapon Ticket?
  • C0902.png

    TMP : overpowered gun used by sh1t and noob players(sorry for insulting farmers who are using this type of sh1t...sorry for insulting again I just getting p1ssed why did crossfire implemented this gun)

  • Jatamatic is already on the list. Maybe just having the TMP removed from attendance rewards would still be a solution. It is kind of OP for a free weapon to be given out.. Replace it with an M14EBR.. Still OP but at least we won't get pinned down by JHP rounds.
    I played Ranked Match TDM earlier and it was just a TMP fest.. I could hardly move.. Q.Q
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    Isn't the Jatimatic already available for choosing in the Primary Weapon Ticket?

    I was not sure if it is but now that you mentioned it I think it is. Anyway Im sure that when you create a new account you get a tmp for leveling up, replace it with jatimatic or anything else and remove tmp from primary ticket.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    I was not sure if it is but now that you mentioned it I think it is. Anyway Im sure that when you create a new account you get a tmp for leveling up, replace it with jatimatic or anything else and remove tmp from primary ticket.

    Well, in a sense, them giving newer people a hand with some quite powerful weaponry is something I look upon with a smile.

    And indeed, the Jatimatic is quite a capable weapon, I've got it once and liked it quite a lot.

    I don't really mind it when people are running around with TMPs, but I guess I can see that it would be a tad bit annoying in things like ranked matches.
  • A gun that is given out about once a month from the daily attendance isn't so much of a problem. Some Vips have it permanent. But what are you saying only VIPs should have access to the tmp?
  • +1 Removing the TMP is the best idea there is.
  • Yup stupid gun, or just fix it so it doesn't stop u moving?

    Why is it only gun which do it
  • 'MissA wrote:
    Suzy;4396737']Yup stupid gun, or just fix it so it doesn't stop u moving?

    Why is it only gun which do it

    It's not the only gun it's just the most common one you run across because there's a free 7 day version in the Primary Ticket for attendance. Others include MP5 Ares, Kriss Ares, CBJ-MS (which is supposedly in certain Attendance boxes). Though sure most weapons that have it ARE a skinned version of the TMP. (they keep making more and more of them...get ready for butthurt soon...)

    And they added it as they needed a special effect for their weapons comparable to the Dual Mag, Slug Shot, etc etc. So they came up with that. Honestly think JHP ammo should be a Pistol thing personally. But whatever. And considering I win SMGs a lot...I consequently have most of the JHP

    All that being said. I agree it should be removed from the Attendance ticket or at least made rarer within the attendance system somewhere. Attendance system itself needs revised big time anyways. But as for it being the best close quarters weapon...I disagree most shotguns destroy it in close quarters. The TMP just has the advantage at being good at close and mid range thus making it more suitable in more modes.
    Though I will also's pretty funny how often you see people QQ about the TMP but then rush to get one themselves. When the TMP Justice came out...boy was it good for a laugh at the people trying to get it that had previously raged about it. x]

    oh also sasuke not just VIPs have access to it outside of the Attendance system. There's ZP crates with it and they're available to anyone who buys ZP....and stated earlier. get ready for some butthurt cause the rumors of what's coming soon with the CFS stuff. lol
  • abel95 wrote: »
    +1 Removing the TMP is the best idea there is.
    +11111 .
  • oSasuke*** wrote: »
    A gun that is given out about once a month from the daily attendance isn't so much of a problem. Some Vips have it permanent. But what are you saying only VIPs should have access to the tmp?
    Ask your clanmates if they like people who run around getting kills without any effort.
  • It's just funny to see people complain about a gp tmp, but when they released VIP tmps you all go crazy and get hyped. From the many purchases made from the single vip tmp crate they even made dual tmps. So if you want the gp one removed, what will happen to the people who spun crates and won the justice tmp? Unless you got issues with free tmp.I don't need to ask anyone when there are many Vips running around with dual Tmps or justice tmp.
  • 'MissA wrote:
    Suzy;4396737']Yup stupid gun, or just fix it so it doesn't stop u moving?

    Why is it only gun which do it

    thats why i hate it
  • In NA 80% of every room are people with around 200 poing, so basically, when you're behind the wall, you get shot and can't even run away anymore, so it's pretty broken.

    Wasn't there 1 or 2 new weapons with JHP bullets for the weekend reward boxes? They still haven't fixed them...
  • They put a higher rank requirement to the M12s after lots of rant threads, so I don't get it why it takes them so long this time to do something about the TMP.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    Wasn't there 1 or 2 new weapons with JHP bullets for the weekend reward boxes? They still haven't fixed them...

    there was 3 weapons they added to the reward boxes through attendance
    - Added CBJ-MS as a login event reward
    - Added LSAT as a login event reward
    - Added Zastava M21 as a login event reward

    only the CBJ-MS is a SMG with JHP. It's the 100 shot JHP gun. Though according to the wiki it has plenty of drawbacks such as a slow(er) firing rate than most SMGs and the fact it slows you down when shooting it kinda like a gatling would, among other things. So it's likely NOWHERE near as OP as the TMPs.
    The LSAT is a MG and the Zastava is a Rifle. Neither of which have JHP
    I believe there are rare cases of those working and being given out. Forget who it was but one of the good forumers here had a screenshot of them with the CBJ-MS on our version. So it is obtainable. Just seems much rarer than some of the other things.

    I've heard but honestly haven't checked it myself that the M12s has returned to it's original standing some time ago once more OP stuff was getting put into the game. Not that it changes anything. Honestly removing the JHP ammo would only work if they removed it from only the regular TMP and not the ZP crate ones but people will still QQ about it then. And then they'll QQ when they find out other SMGs have it too. But removing the TMP from the attendance ticket is suitable enough and perhaps nerfing the accuracy and recoil to be more balanced would go a long way as well.

  • i hope they remove TMP i hate this gun and noobs playing with it in every map
  • +1 and throw out that free m14 gold too while you're at it.
  • Hmm that weapon, I do not complain much and nothing (I do not care) actually it is a weapon too OP that can kill so quickly when this close (apart not let you move and the only way to escape is to headshot), obviously for small places (Small Maps or small sites) but for long distances, they can not kill you so fast.
    There are other ways that make advantage for example: Mutation Mode (Thompson + Steyr TMP = More bullets)as if a MG.
    The truth and honestly would be better to place it as kind of Events instead of placing a Primary Weapon Ticket (The good thing is that it takes a month to you can claim the Steyr TMP) but if it is better to place it as events.