Ribbon for simply log in into the game

I think Z8 should of compensate the players for the latest ribbons failure and make 1-2 new ribbons for simply log in into the game

The "CF games ribbon" was a huge fail and the rage on the forums was repeatable (everyone are hoping that such an event will never come back)

The pink deagle for 50 ribbons is most likely unworthy (should of put rifle and thing more over powerful as a reward)

The "Good Samaritan ribbon" is also some kind of joke made by staff.. Out of tens of thousands players like only 3-4 have this ribbon and all of those 3-4 are staff member...really?ribbon only for staff?what do you want people to think about you?

They should create easier ribbons like the once we had at 2010 (some thing like "play 20 games on the new map that was added on the latest patch and get a ribbon")

Also they should make 1-2 new ribbons every patch and not 1 ribbon once every 2 years

As I stated above "Z8 should of compensate the players for the latest ribbons failure and make 1-2 new ribbons for simply log in into the game


  • I like the concept of more ribbons, but for logging in? Ribbons don't mean anything anymore if all you have to do is 'log in'.
  • While I agree the CFGames2016 were not managed as well as they could have been and resulted in lots of people not getting a ribbon or any rewards despite working hard on some of the events of the Games, I still disagree with much of your post.

    The Good Samaritan is SUPPOSE to be hard to get. Not all ribbons should be freebies, you're meant to work for these. The reason not many, if any, Good Samaritan ribbons have been given out yet as well is because they are giving it time to review the way players are now interacting on the forum. In time you'll see handfuls of people achieving that exclusive ribbon.

    As for the rest of your post...1-2 ribbons every patch would be A LOT of ribbons. Regardless of if they are limited time or not that would throw everyone to gaining the 10, 20, 30, 40, and even 50 ribbon rewards really fast. I believe there are 39 non-limited edition ribbons, a handful of which you get just by playing or doing really really simple things like buying a tiny bit of ZP and buying SPOP character. Some of the others of those 39 take some effort such as 1000 ZM boss kills, and ones involving clan wars, etc etc. Needless to say though if you did 1-2 new ribbons per patch and since there's almost always been at least 2 patches per month that'd mean 2-4 ribbons per month. which means 24-48 Ribbons per year. That's pretty much asking Z8 to hand out Ribbon rewards, like the Shovel Red Dragon, Pink Deagle, M4 Custom Crystal and whatever else gets added. Those are not meant to be given out like hot cakes. They're meant to work hard for them.

    That being said...I CAN foresee a case where a ribbon through logging in would make sense to me. I can foresee a Perfect Attendance Ribbon. Such a ribbon would require someone to log in each and every single day for 1 year. That's no easy task really. Maybe can expand it to logging in and playing at least 1 match as well to ensure it's not just a log in, get it to register on the attendance, and then log off. Such a ribbon would be hard for players to get who play legitimately as most people have real life stuff that inevitably makes it so they can't play at least 1 day in the year. Plus it makes it harder for people who get temporary bans because of being reported due to glitching or hacks or other reasons. Such a ribbon should come with a special reward in-game for getting that ribbon too IMO.
  • Ribbons for logging in? We already got them, for logging in Valentines Day, I believe...

    As for more? No thank you!
  • There's a ribbon for creating a CF account, which is more or less equal to log in.
  • Firstly, ribbons are not supposed to be easy to get. If they were, everyone would have 40/50/60+ ribbons. Ribbons are a sign of achievement. Whether that is making a CrossFire account, Logging into CrossFire on Valentines Day, owning so many of certain types of weapons or even event ribbons like Participating in CrossFire Games and getting a Gold Medal.

    CrossFire games wasn't really a fail. Everyone who participated in a team country, and their team country gained a gold medal, received their ribbon.

    Desert Eagle Pink Crystal isn't unworthy. It's more of a collectors item for those who have achieved a high amount of ribbons and to show off in game. They even made it permanent like players have asked for. I haven't seen anyone with this Desert Eagle Pink Crystal complain yet.

    The Good Samaritan ribbon is a new ribbon that is recently been released. It is not just for Staff members such as GM's or MOD's. It is for players who contribute to the community in a positive manner, who are active and just generally be a nice person. The ribbon isn't easy to achieve, but it is achievable if you play your cards right and carry on being that way even after you've earned the ribbon. I am an ordinary player and I own this ribbon. Doesn't that show its not just for Staff members?

    As I started off this post with. Ribbons are not supposed to be easy to achieve, and as I would personally like to see some brought back or even new ones added a little more regularly, there are still plenty of ribbons we can work on until then.
  • it will be great if they added some ribbons , but ribbons can't be easy like that , you can't get a ribbon for logging in , in the past there was a ribbon for logging in in valentine .
  • It's still amusing me that Natt got that new samaritan whatever ribbon

    Natt is "nice and helpful"?don't make me laugh.. if there was a ribbon for being completely ass or total jerk then yes Natt would get it
  • It's still amusing me that Natt got that new samaritan whatever ribbon

    Natt is "nice and helpful"?don't make me laugh.. if there was a ribbon for being completely ass or total jerk then yes Natt would get it

    Now, now... No need to be harsh to Natt, he's only doing his job after all. If you think Natt did something wrong then PM him with the issue or report it. It's that simple. No need to make comments on this thread. lol
  • abel95 wrote: »
    Now, now... No need to be harsh to Natt, he's only doing his job after all. If you think Natt did something wrong then PM him with the issue or report it. It's that simple. No need to make comments on this thread. lol

    I didnt know his job description included constantly talking down to people, calling people kiddo etc. This explains allot.
  • nGhost wrote: »
    I didnt know his job description included contantly talking down to people, calling people kiddo etc. This explains allot.

    I personally never had a problem with Natt. But if you got compliant about him then you should report it to the GMs by sending in a ticket.
  • More ribbons, horray!
    But it'll be quite unfun if ribbons aren't as unique anymore, so i honestly hope they refuse this suggestion for the sake of keeping ribbons unique, even though i want more.
    I give you my vote tho.
  • we want new and easy ribbons for all players