change email I watched this video and it showed his full email but when I try to change my email it doesn't show me my full email it shows me j****** and im trying to change my email but I don't not what the rest of the ****** to access my email.So what do i do?
It seems they opted to starring out the full E-Mail Address for the sake of security after this Video was uploaded.
In a sense, that's an understandable move, because they likely didn't want any illegitimate person who logs into a compromised account to be able to just outright see the E-Mail.
Sending in a Support Ticket requesting your E-Mail Address would be your best bet. -
yea but how do you request for your email?
Follow said Link.
Choose "Account Administration"
Then, at "Request Description" you choose "Change E-Mail"
And fill out the Boxes with the necessary data with the correct info.
Naturally, you don't know the E-Mail, so you'll have to guess what your current one is.
If the Info you've provided suffices their needs, they'll change it to whatever you request.
Best of luck! -
support ticket account adminstration doesn't help because I need my current email that I signed up with this account and I forgot it,is their any other way for me to do it if I don't remember my email?
The method I provided to you above is pretty much the only chance to get it changed, if you don't know it, just try typing what you THINK it could be.
You wouldn't be requesting an email change if you did know it, so give it a shot.
You need to be accurate with the rest of your info, however. -
Some information does not match I just want to change my email but I made it up so what do I do support tickets are not helping so what else can I do the change the email
If just about everything else was right except for the E-Mail, you'd be able to change it, so I'd tell you to review the Info you've entered and check if they aren't faulty in some way or another.
The Support Tickets are the only way you can get it changed, no way around it. -
the email,account creation the exact date im not sure off but pretty much i got rest
That is quite odd, I'd assume if the only thing you had wrong was the creation date, they would of let you change it.
There seems to be more info wrong than you are aware of, seeing as they don't tell which Info doesn't fit. All I can tell ya is to double check whether or not it all is 100% correct or not. -
Yea but when I change my password on my profile it doesn't need my email Or anything
Admitted, I personally find that questionable aswell, but in a sense that should urge you that much more to keep your data safe.
My point above still stands, however. Recheck your Info, because if they say they can't change it when you yourself think it's only the Creation Date that's wrong, there's probably a tad bit more wrong than it may seem. -
Had the same "prob" some times ago. They also asked me for the account creation date, I didn't know it. But after a half year or so, lol, I could figure out that it's the right email adress lol xD I tough that I used a different one at that time.. Well To change it, however, you need the first e-mail that you got when creating your account.. I confirm, that all these requested information's are inside the email you get, when you make a account..
can anybody sign up for aim and tell me if you can see your mail because all I see is chatting stuff and I wanted to see if crossfire sent me a verification for my email.*how to use it because the email I signed up with is from aim and I can't find where the mailbox is.
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