Canceling support tickets.

So i don't have my honorable soldier ribbon, i lost it way back, like 2-3 years go, i have no clue why or how, i was young back then and i RARELY checked the forums or went on the website, i was naive enough to play on NA servers with a 190 ping while i had an easy 80 at UK (110 now, i don't know why as well).

i sent in a support ticket yesterday, exact quote:
TheThrid wrote:
I totally understand that i lost this ribbon for a reason, but since i have never used any illegal programs to run with CrossFire, i would like to know on which date i got banned and what was the reason?
-Their response:

Thank you for contacting Z8Games Support Center.

The “Honorable Soldier” ribbon is given to players who never got their accounts banned for hacking and similar severe violations. As your account was previously blocked, unfortunately you cannot have this particular ribbon back.

We thank you for your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Z8Games Support

if any of you ever sent a ticket on this subject they already know that this is just a copy-pasted answer from a .txt file they keep at their desktop it seems...

That's not all...

i've also sent a ticket regarding my latency after the patch

Exact quote:
TheThrid wrote:
As the title states, my latency had increased from 90-120 to a 220 spiking to 500 sometimes.
I live in Jordan, My ISP is Orange, 4G network, Connected by Wi-Fi, Full bars, I play on UK servers in general.

P.s. All of my friends who live in the same country as me (Jordan) are also drastically effected.

their response:

Thank you for contacting Z8Games Support Center.

There are several factors that can affect your ping/latency, such as heavy internet traffic at the time, distance between your computer and our servers, congested routers, and inadequate bandwidth.

Currently, our servers are located in North America and Western Europe. This means that the further you are from the server locations, the more likely that you can experience latency increase.

Latency/ping cannot be tweaked by the end user except if you have software on your computer that is affecting your latency. Therefore, there is no way for Z8Games Support to accurately determine what the cause of your latency increase is.

Please consult with your Internet Service Provider if anything has been changed in your internet settings and the traffic in your area. Also, some users reported a decrease in latency after updating graphic card drivers and lowering their graphic settings.

We thank you for your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Z8Games Support

Which is another copy-pasted response from a .txt file on their desktop...

Something has to be done about this, it's called a "SUPPORT team", not a "Please leave me alone i'm drinking my tea" team, SUPPORT us, give me a proper answer, something to work on, now i don't even want them solving my problems or giving me the proper information i have requested, but please... Show interest.

My suggestion to cancel the support system is based on saving money and them not being functional, lose the extras and dedicate this section to h*ck reports. [/sacrcsm][/criticism].


  • Starting with the Latency one first...there really isn't anything they can do. Especially if it's only happening to handfuls of people here and there. If it was more on the Z8 CF Servers side it'd be effecting A LOT more people. So that response is truly giving as much info as they can for their end of that aspect. Perhaps telling you to try certain things you've probably already tried could be added but again, not much they can do there. The latency issue you and people in the same area are experiencing could be due to a problem with the route of servers your connection has to take to reach the game's servers. So in other words it could be somewhere in the between, not you but also not CF related...that's where your ISP is suppose to come in. Also not sure about the ISPs in Jordan...but if everyone who is experiencing this issue from there IS on the same ISP....they're probably the culprit.

    As for your HSR one, you've stated you lost it 2-3 years ago. I'd say it's highly likely that there's no notation from the past GMs/Support as to why you lost it and so they have no clue at this point other than you lost it and people, generally, don't lose it for no reason. So again, the seemingly copy/pasted answer was probably the most information they even have in regards to it at this point and was an attempt to resolve any other potential questions from you regarding it such as a 'can I have it back' "NOPE" scenario.

    That being said, the times i've sent in a Support tickets i've always gotten a response that answers my question pretty close to fully and in one case concerning Slaughter Tickets they even recovered a list of what I won, which I then went and verified I had that stuff in my inventory. Their replies often read as if they are general stock answers but sometimes they aren't. And so far, they've just about always answered my question for the most part. A couple of times i've wanted further info but of course couldn't use the same ticket thread for that...and it really wasn't fully worth making another ticket over it.

    Though I'll agree it'd be nice if more time was spent on Hack Reports to get things processed faster in that department. Especially during this 'No Kick Vote' period.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    the seemingly copy/pasted answer was probably the most information they even have in regards to it at this point and was an attempt to resolve any other potential questions from you regarding it such as a 'can I have it back' "NOPE" scenario. .

    This was never in my intentions,

    "We apologize, we do not keep logs of this issue" - That would've made things clear, don't you think so? i said that i lost it 2-3 years ago, which is when i quit and i still had it, so it was an approximate date.
    What are the reasons someone loses the HSR ribbon for anyway besides h*cking?

    Again my problem isn't my HSR nor the latency issue, it's that i always get the copy-pasted answer, which is irritating tbh.
  • i loose it too but i don't remember how but i didn't use an illegal programs and they told me the same thing that what they've told you :( but if i did some thing wrong i deserve that but i don't think that i did