Remove the V

So as the title reads....Remove the V that indicates a players owns VIP weapon(s) and/or Character. Both ingame on the leaderboard that you see when you hit tab and also in room lobbies.

There is LITERALLY no reason to need that indicator. And quite frankly it's no one's business, which VIPs we own or how many we own, except our own. Currently if you own and have a VIP equipped all it does is cause a crazy amount of nabs following you throwing their gun down at your feet in a sad attempt of trying to get you to trade with them that usually results in both of you dying...sometimes by them pushing you through a wall because they're that close to you. Often times when you don't trade these people they will throw their flash grenade at you too and others times they'll kick vote you if you don't trade them. Not to mention the relentless messages and friend requests even when you tell them you don't want to trade or be their friend or that your friend's list is full.

In other words the Giant V which indicates if a player owns a VIP weapon is just a giant bullseye for nabs to annoy you and ruin gameplay. While removing it won't completely resolve the issue as obviously if you play with a VIP it will still be visible ingame. But it could help at least prevent them from ever knowing you even have a VIP if you have them in bags you don't use often as all you really want is that EXP bonus. As for weapons that give 'luck' out at the end of matches...this message could instead of stating which players simply state how many players in that match had their luck activate for extra bonuses from a VIP weapon.

That being said....if there is EVER a time the V indicator SHOULD be used it would be to indicate a VIP Monthly Membership as discussed in other topics.


  • I kinda want it in lobby still but not in the match.

    For certain things we want people to have all vips unequipped.

    Totally frustrating in game getting flashed, messaged like crazy, blocked, pushed through map and all the other great things you mentioned.
  • I kinda want it in lobby still but not in the match.

    For certain things we want people to have all vips unequipped.

    Totally frustrating in game getting flashed, messaged like crazy, blocked, pushed through map and all the other great things you mentioned.

    I prefer this idea, however also removing the in game text when it says that a player with a VVIP item equipped has joined the room. Even though, to be fair, people could just see that you have VVIP items equipped in lobby or see you using VVIP weapons in game and still they'll beg for them..

    Even though i understand and support your idea..This is a tough situation and will probably be difficult to solve the issue fully. Just because we don't have a V symbol next to our name, doesn't mean they still won't beg for our weapons because they do the same to any weapon you use, even if it's a ZP black market weapon or an uncommon attendance reward like DPM.. (Speaking from past experiences)
  • Keep one bag empty, when they throw their gun at you to get your VIP, switch bags and pick up theirs. Make sure to kick them right after.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Keep one bag empty, when they throw their gun at you to get your VIP, switch bags and pick up theirs. Make sure to kick them right after.

    Damn, i like this idea!
  • This idea won't solve anything. When these annoying newbies start seeing you as spectators (after they've died), they will see you using your VIP and then they'll ask for it next round.This issue in this game is like cancer.. there's still no stable cure. Just do what Danah said above (about that empty bag trick) and troll them back. Expect a kick though. XD
  • Tuga1991 wrote: »
    This idea won't solve anything. When these annoying newbies start seeing you as spectators (after they've died), they will see you using your VIP and then they'll ask for it next round.This issue in this game is like cancer.. there's still no stable cure. Just do what Danah said above (about that empty bag trick) and troll them back. Expect a kick though. XD

    Exactly. SnD for them is Search and take ZP weapons. They don't bother about the enemy, they just want any weapon that is from ZP.
  • 'Remove the V'

    The other day i had no vip at all with me in my bags and they still begged me for a VIP. (I was using a regular M4A1) :')
  • I don't own any of the vips and I don't plan on getting one any time soon, but you got a +1 from me due to well known vib broblems.
  • Danah wrote: »
    Keep one bag empty, when they throw their gun at you to get your VIP, switch bags and pick up theirs. Make sure to kick them right after.

    This is so evil but so genius xD
  • Danah wrote: »
    Keep one bag empty, when they throw their gun at you to get your VIP, switch bags and pick up theirs. Make sure to kick them right after.
    This never gets old with people blocking xD
  • This never gets old with people blocking xD

    Yes but the reason is rather sad and annoying.
  • This never gets old with people blocking xD
    The kick after it should get old tho...
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    The kick after it should get old tho...

    To watch them kicking you because you took their gun?
  • Moerwijk wrote: »
    'Remove the V'

    The other day i had no vip at all with me in my bags and they still begged me for a VIP. (I was using a regular M4A1) :')

    This is just step one of what could be more steps. Such as an item or 'perk' thing that would make your weapon appear as a normal/standard model of a gun that someone else mentioned in another thread. (though it would also have to mask your kill icons when you kill someone with said weapon x])

    ultimately though I do think that without the V next to your name ingame there will likely be less people hounding you every round as long as you aren't using a VIP during/before that time. There will still be people who do it....because Gun Hunting is life...Gun Hunting is love. But...anything at all to help out with this situation would be just swell.

    As far as Andrew's concern for being able to see it in lobby so that one could determine if someone has it when playing in a special room where no VIPs are allowed. I can see that and it's a good point. Maybe keeping the V symbol in the lobby but not allowing them to see which VIPs you have/how many you have. That way we keep an indicator there in the lobby for such use but doesn't allow nabs to look up which VIP they want and then ask you directly for said VIP and bug you, and flash you, and kick you, just cause you aren't even using said VIP and want to use a different gun in a different bag. One which they don't have to trade to you in exchange for that particular VIP they want.

    I'd be done with a trap ability for all VIPs too like someone else mentioned. Set it and watch gun hunters pick it up and die. Would be soooooooo much fun. probably even more so than the empty bag trick.
  • In Perfect Dark the Dragon's (asualt rifle) secondary mode was you tossed it and it became a proxy mine. "Oh look spare ammo" booooom n1n1. That would be a lot of fun to do again xd.

    Quite often people don't even know what you have they just see the V. The only vip i normally carry is the de, trying to explain I don't have the vip they desired is frustrating. *blocking intensifies*
  • In Perfect Dark the Dragon's (asualt rifle) secondary mode was you tossed it and it became a proxy mine. "Oh look spare ammo" booooom n1n1. That would be a lot of fun to do again xd.

    Quite often people don't even know what you have they just see the V. The only vip i normally carry is the de, trying to explain I don't have the vip they desired is frustrating. *blocking intensifies*

    I could have sworn that one of the weapon turn into a box turret in that game (machine gun)

    Thank god there no Farsight weapon (OP sniper rifle that can shoot walls (solid) pretty much aim for you) in CF
  • lol, it's so funny to see how silly they are though
  • The issue is the playerbase, not VIPs. I was playing with an M16 once and noobs still follow me around for it every round... >.>
  • I`m giving you a +1 but im sure nothing will change because they newbiews won`t stop to follow you or block or kick you they`ll keep doing this
    this was earlier a problem where the VIP guns doesnt exist if u had a ZP weapon they ran behind you and trying to trade with you
    and the kicking will never change until something happens to the kick vote system they peoples even kick you in FFA games when you start to use your VIP gun after u played like 5 minutes with your normal weapon
    because peoples are mad aand jealous anyways i hope that this will get enough attention to think about a solution to stop this VIP begging etc...
  • yes it is good idea but it use less them can sea your weapon so what new