Daily Missions and Dog Tag Rewards

I want to suggest something which every CF players want to see in the game.

I said it numerous times that please change the Daily mission rewards as 500 GP is very very minimal amount to get something after doing 12 games of HM/HMX/MM or other objectives which are not worth for.The Daily mission objectives gets harder as you rank up but rewards stays the same i.e. 500 GP.It doesn't make any sense.The rewards should also get better when we rank up.

Its been a very long time since you guys change the Dog Tag Reward.That SMG in exchange of dog tags is awful.I don't want to get this SMG in exchange of my dog tags

Here are my suggestions:
Kindly replace the DM reward with something more appealing E.g. Either Increase the amount of GP to 5000 or replace it with 1 old ZP crate per DM (D.E scope,M4A1-C,M-60 adv or GG).These are the crates which nobody wants to purchase anymore as there are many other better reskins of these guns available at the same amount.

Dog Tags:
That old school reward of Dog tags (5 crates of D.E scope) was much better than the current ones. As i mentioned above,kindly change it with some really weapon or with the old ZP crates or with the slaughter tickets/ZM2 keys.


  • +1 I want a change. I stopped doing the daily mission since they removed the xmas crates and about dog tag... I still have the letters I collected after the event with dog tag exchange for golden summer crates. That event was when they changed the dog tag reward last time.
  • +1 Regular changes to the Dog Tag would be nice.

    I also stopped doing them.
  • +1 as well.

    The only time I do a Daily Mission is when it involves something I was going to play anyways.

    But yea the 500 GP is a JOKE. Heck even the 5k exp is kinda laughable once you hit higher ranks or if you have VIPs. Honestly IMO there should be 3 potential awards for completing the Daily mission

    1- EXP amount based on Rank.
    2- GM Crate or other similar type crate. (as in something that has decent temporary ZP stuff like Text and Name color items, fall damage down, unlimited ZM mag, Bag 5 days, and some weapons/items as well)
    3- 200-500 ZP (this one would only happen preferably on weekends. Friday-Sunday making it at MOST 78,000ZP in a year if one were to do the Daily Mission every Friday-Sunday throughout an entire year. 31,200 would be if it rewarded 200 ZP on weekend for an entire year.)

    As for the Dog Tag Rewards. it certainly needs changed up. I propose changing it once every 2 or 3 months (3 months could make it seasonal based around on Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall which could have an advantage) and having the reward be either unique seasonal crates that were never purchasable but DO contain a permanent weapon or two OR to make them the old old ZP weapon crates such as the D.E. Scope, M60-Adv, etc etc.

    If these changes were done to the rewards people would be doing the Daily Missions A LOT more often and might spike up total game activity and player counts as well. Which is something this game desperately needs right now.

    Also, i'd also like to propose to them that they should never have multiple mutation type missions on the same day. It's really....really....REALLY annoying when the Daily Mission options are all double digit game amounts of Mutation Mode, Mutant Knight, and Hero Mode or any combination of the mutation type modes. On top of that it might be wise to re-assess the equivalence of some of the daily mission options. For example when Suppression pops up for me it's like 120 kills or 20 games. Meanwhile Ghost mode is like 55 kills or 7 game. I get it that Suppression is suppose to be faster pace but 120 kills? I can finish 7 games of Ghost before that and I can get 55 ghost kills in 2 GM games easily enough if I bother trying. There's TONs of examples of the unequal mission options really.
  • +1 to changing them. I also stopped doing the daily missions after I refilled all of my dog tags after purchasing the new SMG when it first came out.
  • A change would be nice. I only end up doing the mission if it's kill based, or anything ZM based because all of these are too easy and need a replacement.
  • Just remove the 5000 EXP, that stupid upgrade almost made me level up, which I don't like! Maybe change it into 5000 GP and make the exp just 500? And please remove the CF-05! Such an annoying reward and so bad... Just make it an weapon that no one had, maybe an Machete, Katana or Normal Kukri 90 days? That sure would be nice!
  • tjgfiddij wrote: »
    Just remove the 5000 EXP, that stupid upgrade almost made me level up, which I don't like! Maybe change it into 5000 GP and make the exp just 500? And please remove the CF-05! Such an annoying reward and so bad... Just make it an weapon that no one had, maybe an Machete, Katana or Normal Kukri 90 days? That sure would be nice!

    Most people actually want to rank up so -1 to that. 5,000 exp does next to nothing for me, but I still like it.
  • 500 gp wasnt a joke when this game wasnt bombing us with free stuff all the time like now.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    500 gp wasnt a joke when this game wasnt bombing us with free stuff all the time like now.

    Yeah but now that same GP really doesn't get you as far unless all you do is buy the GP item shop weapons or items. I mean I just spent about 2.5mil on the DE-Canadian (that's roughly like 350-400 crates) when I used to be able to win just about any GP black market gun in under 80 crates (except for the AK-Camo, but even then that was only like 600k). Heck I used to be able to win a DE-Camo in an average of 15 crates or less! Personally I think Z8 dug themselves a hole with all the GP+ things that they've released so they been nerfing the win rate to compensate for it.
  • DAILY MISSIONS AND DOG TAG REWARDS - These two systems are DEAD. They both should change at least every 6 Months (not every 2 years or so), players get fed up of seeing the same thing over and over again, through-out the whole year, which is NOT enticing at all.

    I agree with the main topic.

    Edit: Wish we had Temporary 7 day weapons every 6 months for Dog Tag rewards like that XM8 Spring ect, that would be good for business because if players really loved those limited rare weapons after trying them out, they would go for it whenever it would be crate available again.

    C'mon Z8!
  • BigMB wrote: »
    500 gp wasnt a joke when this game wasnt bombing us with free stuff all the time like now.
    i had days when i couldn't repair my DSR-1 that i spent a month and 2 weeks saving up for 2010/2011 days...

    +1 btw.
  • +1, change the dog tag and daily mission rewards!
  • +1 i agree with you i want 5 d.e scope crates :D
  • IMO i think we need a change for sure to the dog tags at the very least idk how long its been here.

    i know a lot of people will freak out when they see this but the daily mission rewards should have a 1-3 day vip in them for the 20 in a month spot.
    Now i dont mean the current vips i mean a vip special to this a m4 silencer perhaps that just gives the exp gp bonus and has a butt stock attack but just
    looks like a m4 with silencer and blade on the stock

    Thats my opinion otherwise at the very least change the dam 500 gp its never worth to 1 crate old or special doesnt matter to me just change it
  • olpers wrote: »
    I want to suggest something which every CF players want to see in the game.

    I said it numerous times that please change the Daily mission rewards as 500 GP is very very minimal amount to get something after doing 12 games of HM/HMX/MM or other objectives which are not worth for.The Daily mission objectives gets harder as you rank up but rewards stays the same i.e. 500 GP.It doesn't make any sense.The rewards should also get better when we rank up.

    Its been a very long time since you guys change the Dog Tag Reward.That SMG in exchange of dog tags is awful.I don't want to get this SMG in exchange of my dog tags

    Here are my suggestions:
    Kindly replace the DM reward with something more appealing E.g. Either Increase the amount of GP to 5000 or replace it with 1 old ZP crate per DM (D.E scope,M4A1-C,M-60 adv or GG).These are the crates which nobody wants to purchase anymore as there are many other better reskins of these guns available at the same amount.

    Dog Tags:
    That old school reward of Dog tags (5 crates of D.E scope) was much better than the current ones. As i mentioned above,kindly change it with some really weapon or with the old ZP crates or with the slaughter tickets/ZM2 keys.

    i agree with you
  • olpers wrote: »
    I want to suggest something which every CF players want to see in the game.

    I said it numerous times that please change the Daily mission rewards as 500 GP is very very minimal amount to get something after doing 12 games of HM/HMX/MM or other objectives which are not worth for.The Daily mission objectives gets harder as you rank up but rewards stays the same i.e. 500 GP.It doesn't make any sense.The rewards should also get better when we rank up.

    Its been a very long time since you guys change the Dog Tag Reward.That SMG in exchange of dog tags is awful.I don't want to get this SMG in exchange of my dog tags

    Here are my suggestions:
    Kindly replace the DM reward with something more appealing E.g. Either Increase the amount of GP to 5000 or replace it with 1 old ZP crate per DM (D.E scope,M4A1-C,M-60 adv or GG).These are the crates which nobody wants to purchase anymore as there are many other better reskins of these guns available at the same amount.

    Dog Tags:
    That old school reward of Dog tags (5 crates of D.E scope) was much better than the current ones. As i mentioned above,kindly change it with some really weapon or with the old ZP crates or with the slaughter tickets/ZM2 keys.

    +1 Regular changes to the Dog Tag would be nice.
  • I have a change to my original Daily Mission suggestion which was this:
    1- EXP amount based on Rank.
    2- GM Crate or other similar type crate. (as in something that has decent temporary ZP stuff like Text and Name color items, fall damage down, unlimited ZM mag, Bag 5 days, and some weapons/items as well)
    3- 200-500 ZP (this one would only happen preferably on weekends. Friday-Sunday making it at MOST 78,000ZP in a year if one were to do the Daily Mission every Friday-Sunday throughout an entire year. 31,200 would be if it rewarded 200 ZP on weekend for an entire year.)

    Particularly that in which I have underlined....

    Instead of the 3rd Daily mission reward giving out ZP....why not EP? It, to a degree, has the same effect as ZP in that you can buy ZP crates with it...however, at least for now and i'd like to think never, there is no chance of buying say a VIP. In fact it's limited to what's in the shop at any given time. So In fact I think you could do a 1000 EP daily mission on weekend and people would LOVE it and it'd net them enough EP to buy at least 1 crate from EP each weekend.

    Similarly the extended 'do X Daily Missions and get this' rewards could be changed up to have one of those give out extra EP for doing so many Daily Missions in a month. IIRC that awards thing has a 5, 10, 15, and 20, Daily Mission rewards...make a 25 daily missions within a month spot and have it dish out 10k EP this will push people to do Daily Missions even more.
  • +1 ,, Me to stop do mission yes Chang it

    Ign : .To]-TeTo.
    Clan : -[T]ooLs.?
  • +1
    I agree to a change fo the DM rewards and of the DT reward i stopped a long time ago to do the daily missions bc it`s kinda useless for me
    I dont need the 5.000EXP and i dont need the 500 GP actually the 500 GP are a joke that`s nothing the peoples just have to do the super missions and get 12.000 GP per day
    and the Dog Tag reward isn`t worth it tbh the CF05 is a bad weapon and its been a long time ago since the rewards of the Dog Tag got changed
    we need something new in there something better than this SMG