Remove the steyr tmp effects

Hello , remove steyr tmp's shock effect or at least reduce its effect , cause its so overpowered specially in WaveMode..
most of wave players are annoyed from that gun , and the old players are going to leave that mode cause of that weapon.
This gun have a problems especially Steyr TMP-Valentine or Steyr TMP
1- Ultra Fast Reload Speed , this gun can make reload in 1 second Faster than VIP's weapons
2- Slow move for people , this gun can make people slow move (Can't move )
3- Ultra move Speed for people who have this gun
4- Bullets in this gun always end fast ( Faster than VIP's weapons ) .
I hope the solution.
Thanks Z8Games .


  • Its how the gun functions in real life [aside from the sock aspect because you'd be dead in half a second] , it has low bullet damage , its really easy to reload since it has no snap pin for the magazine [Think of the uzi and how you have to snap back the hammer and its still ultra quick]
    Basically you're mad because its a realistic depiction of the Gun
    so -1 From me
  • familyfarm wrote: »
    wave players
    I am a crossfire player who own that gun and I like it. :D So... go get one or deal with it.
  • familyfarm wrote: »
    Hello , remove steyr tmp's shock effect or at least reduce its effect , cause its so overpowered specially in WaveMode..
    most of wave players are annoyed from that gun , and the old players are going to leave that mode cause of that weapon.
    This gun have a problems especially Steyr TMP-Valentine or Steyr TMP
    1- Ultra Fast Reload Speed , this gun can make reload in 1 second Faster than VIP's weapons
    2- Slow move for people , this gun can make people slow move (Can't move )
    3- Ultra move Speed for people who have this gun
    4- Bullets in this gun always end fast ( Faster than VIP's weapons ) .
    I hope the solution.
    Thanks Z8Games .

    Okay...I bolded a section. I did so because I disagree. In fact Wave mode is, IMO, where this gun starts to fall flat. Why? Because it becomes SUPER easy to counter. You see a TMP player...back...the...heck....up. TMP has crap damage at distance and an AK can tear the player apart. The TMP and really ANY SMG gun's are meant to be played as a rush and flush type play tactic. In other words they're meant to get up close and personal and preferably from behind. So...that being said...if you are playing against one then I hope you have a shotgun bag cause particularly an AA12 variant because they'll tear a TMP user apart even if they're in Jugger status. Or if you're using the Rocketlauncher panzer spam that most players use...use that. It'll kill the person as long as you hit close to them. Or...fight fire with fire and use Shock Trooper. Shock class effect is IMO MUCH worse than the TMP effect. Only difference there is that the TMP CAN hit distance...but the shock auto-locks on to target too so meh.

    I mean honestly between Class specials and other guns and just KNOWING the game you can easily take out TMP players. And I'm willing to argue that the super duper Odyssey length respawns are more responsible for the 'death' of wave mode. That and most games you play aren't evened out so one team will be level 30s with maxed out gold+10 cards with all the bells and whistles while the other team will be a random grouping of players of all types. But yeaaaa the TMP ruins wave mode. HA.