Just... suggestions

1. Find a way to speed up the process of reviewing hacking reports

X-ctrap is somehow doing a decent job, but there are a lot of hackers which find a way around it. Some of them have multiple accounts and when they make sure that the hack in not being detected on their alt, they start using it on their main account. Only way to get those hackers banned is by reporting them.
The amount of time which you need to review our reports is really, erhm, not acceptable. Next to that, you lose/ignore/forget/skip some of them.
This process should changed, so you can ban more hackers per day.

2. Add a cap in this ongoing event

IMO, this event was just about picking a right country. Which requires a lot of luck.
Team Mexico (and some others) have a huge advantage over team Egypt ( and some others). If a player from team Mexico makes 100 points, a player from team Egypt has to make 10000 points to make his team catch up with team Mexico.
There are some people which have chosen their team, but they are not even doing the event.
You should add a cap which every player has to cross to make his score count to the team score. EX: "Player has to make 50 mutant kills for his score to count." That way, players with score of 0 will not ruin the average score which his team has.

3. Closing/deleting threads without a reason

I don't know if you (mods/gms) hate when people are posting stuff on this forum. I don't understand why do you close/delete normal threads. Closing threads in which people ask why did their friend get banned, or why did a hacker "steal" his account is okay, but you deleted/closed most of the threads discussing this ongoing CfGames event. Why exactly did you close them?


  • 1. True. Reported this kid going through walls, the report was around 1 minute long and I gave the exact time he was using the hack and today, he is still playing... +1.

    2. This event is the biggest fail ever. I was so pumped when they announced it, but when I saw what it actually was, I was disapointed. Also, it says 'Event has ended.' But the event just keeps going, like, okayyyyyyyyyyyy... +1.

    3. You speak something that is the truth and the thread gets either deleted or closed. +1.

  • 2. Add a cap in this ongoing event

    IMO, this event was just about picking a right country. Which requires a lot of luck.
    Team Mexico (and some others) have a huge advantage over team Egypt ( and some others). If a player from team Mexico makes 100 points, a player from team Egypt has to make 10000 points to make his team catch up with team Mexico.
    There are some people which have chosen their team, but they are not even doing the event.
    You should add a cap which every player has to cross to make his score count to the team score. EX: "Player has to make 50 mutant kills for his score to count." That way, players with score of 0 will not ruin the average score which his team has.
    Look at this thread for an example. 3 GMs replied on an useless accusation thread made by user who clearly knows that the name/thread is gonna be deleted. Yet they still don't understand why there is so much people complaining and all they do is ban people for 1 improper word in the thread name. Fail*a*lot banned after like 5 years on forum for typing a ''bad word'' and trolls like that brit guy who farmed the event was trolling for several days with no punishment. Yeah fail knows the rules. But if you kept your words z8, people wouldnt break the rules so often.

    3. Closing/deleting threads without a reason

    I don't know if you (mods/gms) hate when people are posting stuff on this forum. I don't understand why do you close/delete normal threads. Closing threads in which people ask why did their friend get banned, or why did a hacker "steal" his account is okay, but you deleted/closed most of the threads discussing this ongoing CfGames event. Why exactly did you close them?
    I don't think that they are gonna do anything about the event as Grumpy already stated that. But yeah they closed the thread in announcements for an event thats still running and I dont remember that they ever did that since I started playing. The amount of fails this event has brought is incredible so I guess taking the criticism is too hard for them. Look at the 2 current events that are running. Mexico basically won bot hunting on the first day it started, and same story for the UK in soccer mode. Fair and balanced they said.
    Look at this thread for an example. http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?318772-Fake-GM
    3 GMs replied on an useless accusation thread made by user who clearly knows that the name/thread is gonna be deleted. Yet they still don't understand why there is so much people complaining and all they do is ban people for 1 improper word in the thread name. Fail*a*lot banned after like 5 years on forum for typing a ''bad word'' and trolls like that brit guy who farmed the event was trolling for several days with no punishment. Yeah fail knows the rules. But if you kept your words z8, people wouldnt break the rules so often.
  • BigMB wrote: »
    But if you kept your words z8, people wouldnt break the rules so often.

    This sums up what I tried to say with creating this thread.

    Event can still be "saved". I won't be so butthurt if my team doesn't get a gold medal in anything, but I think other teams deserve a chance.
  • 2. Add a cap in this ongoing event

    IMO, this event was just about picking a right country. Which requires a lot of luck.
    Team Mexico (and some others) have a huge advantage over team Egypt ( and some others). If a player from team Mexico makes 100 points, a player from team Egypt has to make 10000 points to make his team catch up with team Mexico.
    There are some people which have chosen their team, but they are not even doing the event.
    You should add a cap which every player has to cross to make his score count to the team score. EX: "Player has to make 50 mutant kills for his score to count." That way, players with score of 0 will not ruin the average score which his team has.

    +1 Make it happen already... before the event ends. This one is the most important. If you don't want to give everyone the ribbon atleast make it fair so everyone have a chance. Not to mention about the *unknown* rewards...
  • I don't understand why do you close/delete normal threads. Closing threads in which people ask why did their friend get banned, or why did a hacker "steal" his account is okay, but you deleted/closed most of the threads discussing this ongoing CfGames event. Why exactly did you close them?

    Usually its done if there is already another place to discuss such things, or if a thread has devolved to a point where nothing being said is actually constructive. There have been a lot of threads about multiple topics that have literally just been 'This is bad because its bad. I think it should be different.' Which is fine, to have your opinion. But it is much more constructive to say WHY something is bad, and HOW you believe we can fix it, and furthermore WHAT the outcome will be as a result. Generally go for the 5 W's and we'll at the very least listen to your concerns. Like your comment for the second part about a cap? Thats how you suggest something. Thats a good idea, and its explained well. Its not cluttering the forum, and thus will stay there.
  • I completely agree with #2 and #1 as well really.
    But I'd like to tack on something:

    4: Announce an event more than a day or two before the event is actually suppose to take place!:
    Too often with events, we aren't told about it or at least the specifics of the event until the day of or just hours before hand. Events should be announced IMO at least 2 days before they will take place. This gives time for the players to prepare for said event and to make sure it's even worth trying to fit it into their schedule. Some example of fails on this is that I've been checking the announcement page to see when the next 'Games' are to be in this CFGames2016 and the Soccer and the Bot Hunting didn't show up until either LATE last night or Early today...the day the event is suppose to start. For a Team based event this leave little time to organize your team in an effort to win such a thing. And it doesn't allow for individuals to even plan on playing an extra hour or two when they get home from school or work instead of doing other things because they have no clue the event is going on. Another example would be when ZM2 Shipyard came out...the event was announced a whole 24 hours after the posts and infographics said it should start despite the forum post having been made like 3 days earlier and just hidden from normal users sight. But honestly...these Games are suppose to be like CF:NA/UKs version of the Olympics in game essentially....but like with the Olympics you could look up an entire schedule of events a good while before it even started...try doing that here and LOL.
    Add-on: Details need to be announced with the event as well outside of just the time frame of the event, though stating time frame 2 days ahead of the event would be a HUGE improvement. It's always nice knowing what the rewards might be and what counts towards the event. Lack of details and general vagueness on these events are why players get so irate later on when they find out they missed an event that awarded something they wanted or when they try really hard but find out that they weren't quite doing it right, etc etc.

    If hard details can't be given 2 days BEFORE the event...then whoever is in charge of planning the events needs to take more time to do so. I'd rather wait for Monthly Update 1's related event to happen around Update#2's time if it means an Event that is more well thought out and details released ahead of time so players can plan themselves. I do realize that sometimes you hit bumps...but it seems the event road here is a very very bumpy one.
  • iDupree_ wrote: »
    1. True. Reported this kid going through walls, the report was around 1 minute long and I gave the exact time he was using the hack and today, he is still playing... +1.
    Hah, no kidding. I reported a marshal 2 years ago using aimbot cleverly (he would press the hotkey just after he aimed at you) , and you could obviously see the 360 spin before every kill he made, but still this "professional" staff simply closed my ticked and disregarded is as a fake report.
    We dont have people who know how to manage a simple HTML website, we dont have people who know normal to advanced difficulty stuff about programming, and we dont have people who can even recognize a hacker in a game they are paid to keep running. So what's the point of posting really? Im glad CF 2 got announced and hopefully they will employ skilled people to do the job, and hopefully it is global instead of dividing it into regions.
  • Usually its done if there is already another place to discuss such things, or if a thread has devolved to a point where nothing being said is actually constructive. There have been a lot of threads about multiple topics that have literally just been 'This is bad because its bad. I think it should be different.' Which is fine, to have your opinion. But it is much more constructive to say WHY something is bad, and HOW you believe we can fix it, and furthermore WHAT the outcome will be as a result. Generally go for the 5 W's and we'll at the very least listen to your concerns. Like your comment for the second part about a cap? Thats how you suggest something. Thats a good idea, and its explained well. Its not cluttering the forum, and thus will stay there.

    But why wasn't thought of a cap before? if you have a event that involves headshots/kills or any other form that is a complete comunity event, you can alreayd see that its being farmed 3 weeks before it starts. That has nothing to do with a majority of the community, but there a few toxic players around that always farm stuff like this. and if it's event that is a ''solo'' event, i couldn't care less. Because what do they achieve when the farm a event that is meant to be solo? but just a question. Whats being done atm to keep the event somewhat fair (let's face it, farmers will always ruin comunity events)