makes me sad
great to see something great come to this game after how hard i tried throughout the years to bring the competitive scene back to life, yet the people running the event have no idea what they're doing
Great job you guys, i don't think i've ever seen such flawed rules in my life
Great job you guys, i don't think i've ever seen such flawed rules in my life
1 half was played and you're telling me we weren't remotely close" to winning? Wow the carbon ego really rubs off quick.
Why would you not be able to start a game 4v5? Why wouldn't you be able to use your emergency sub in an emergency situation? Give me some solid reasoning logic -
You're entitled to your opinion, but obviously you haven't read over some of these flawed rules.
And to be fair I didn't either, so really i don't even care about us getting DQed tonight. I'm not looking to get the match replayed or anything like that. We broke the rules and its whatever, however these rules are flawed and need to be changed. -
[GM]Grumpy wrote: »Hello,
You have agreed to those rules when you registered a team, when you played in the qualifiers, and when you played in week 1, and when you started week 2.
That's fine,
I really suggest you reevaluate your rules come next month, thanks. -
[GM]Grumpy wrote: »Hello,
You have agreed to those rules when you registered a team, when you played in the qualifiers, and when you played in week 1, and when you started week 2.
Not that people aren't grateful for the tournament, but some of the rules could definitely use some work -
Yeah, I don't see why teams can't call a pause and put in a sub then? Half time is ideal but you never know when someone might dc... Carbon had the same problem with Famous so it's ironic that they dqed for this. Subbing in can be very important especially when you're playing bo1 in the loser's bracket and every round counts. I think they should have read the rules better but this rule is also flawed in my opinion.
First off, the admins gave us a couple options 1.DQ 2. PO. We don't care about the reasoning as to why your team got DQ'd Erick. We still played you guys the entire time. So why did we do it? Because some people on your team need to learn some self control. Every week there is always a problem with the players on ANIXIA and this has not changed for the past 2 years the team has been together. I understand why people on the team would think someone was smurfing on Phat's account, I get that but, when we tell you the reason why his ping is lower and your player continues to cry and whine about it WHILE were INGAME it gets to be ridiculous. You want to be treated with respect then show respect. We would have had no problem playing out the map. In fact, the first thing I said in game when you guys started 4v5 was "I'm pretty sure its in the rules you can't play 4v5". What was your players first response to that? He told me to "**** OFF". So to think that we're actually going to play further against that is a joke.
I don't care about the DQ. In the past my teams have rulebooked our way to our share of wins. Call it karma. I am sorry if anything we did escalated the situation.
I do care about fixing this broken rule set. It's not even in proper English; it's a badly translated Brazillian Ruleset for LAN events.
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