"Connection delayed" - Anyone else with this?

Well, first, the "Failled to connect the server" issue, apparently resolved, now this? I mean, or this is either ****ed up and problems to solve it arent being found, or I dont know..

When we enter a room to play, once it begins loading your game, around 5 seconds or so, the "Connection delayed" appears on your screen and just sends you back to room listage, where you can enter any of your choice if its not private, or simply loads the room entry and sends you back to the player list, the one that appears once you've finished a game, showing the experience you gained and etc.

Please keep in mind, that apparently there are no connection issues to when you try entering Crossfire neither are the servers in maintenance, surprisingly this only happens when playing on UK4, I went to UK5 and entered rooms without any problem. Anyone else with this issue? It ****es me off to be honest, I just want to play and there is always problems, incredibly, as I said to them and I repeat but this time in public because im not afraid of anything and the truth always comes to the top, the adminstration is not doing a great job, otherwise these wouldn't happen, thats what it is.