CFCL OPEN: Standings
Official Crossfire Competitive League Professional Team Standings: Updated Weekly
NA Open Month 3 Standings: As of Week 3
Restrictz - 19 Points
Harabas - 17 Points
wrGtrP- 13 Points
WCOA - 13 Points
Needle - 12 Points
Atrocious - 12 Points
TasteU - 12 Points
Pokemon Go - 9 Points
PeekTeam6 - 8 Points
Piru - 5 Points
Boorah - 5 Points
UK Open Month 3 Standings: As of Week 3
NOLPRO - 18 Points
N3ckshots - 18 Points
ruLegends - 13 Points
3D Berners - 11 Points
Oversize - 8 Points
Exactly - 11 Points
Soldiers - 10 Points
Obsession - 7 Points
Mysterious Monkeys - 5 Points
Pekaa - 5 Points
Angry Gorillas - 5 Points
ACEITesports- 4 Points
BEINEsports - 2 Points
FSTsports - 2 Points
NA Open Month 2 Final Standings:
1- FOHH - 27 Points - Moved to Pro
2- TriX - 21 Points - Moved to Pro
GFXsports - 20 Points
y u pst - 10 Points
Sublime - 16 Points
Atrocious - 14 Points
wrGtrP - 12 Points
RestrictZ - 12 Points
Pokemon Go - 8 Points
Harabas - 8 Points
Piru - 7 Points
NNGaming - 4 Points
ggCarrot - 4 Points
Dystopia - 3 Points
UK Open Month 2 Final Standings:
1- BusinessAim - 28 - Moved to Pro
2- Rawness - 22 - Moved to Pro
Synergy - 11 Points
Soliders - 8 Points
Team5Legends - 8 Points
ACEITesports - 7 Points
Dawnit - 7 Points
3DLogic - 6 Points
6thAvenue - 5 Points
TeamLogic - 5 Points
Tentra - 5 Points
White Beards - 5 - Points
Avengers - 5 - Points
MuppetSquad - 5 - Points
Pandora - 4 - Points
Dystopia - 3 - Points
EslW1re - 3 points
HarD team - 3 Points
mvgts - 3 Points
fiftycalibre - 2 Points
FARE - 2 Points
ruLegends - 2 - Points
NA Open Month 1 Final Standings:
1st TasteU - 23 Points Moved to pro division next month
2nd Pt6x - 21 Points Moved to pro division next month
Splice - 19 Points
Atrocious - 16 Points
wrGtrP - 7 Points
SWIPES - 3 Points
FOHH - 6 Points
Illusion - 3 Points
Dystopias - 3 Points
NoTricks - 0 Points
UK Open Month 1 Final Standings:
1st Penta Sports -25 Pro Points - Moved to pro division next month
2nd ASTRAL -18 Pro Points - Moved to pro division next month
Rawness - 15 Pro Points
Antipathy - 15 Pro Points
Next Threat - 10 Points
6thAVENUE - 9 Pro Points
Raseup5ive - 6 Pro Points
Invaders - 3 Pro Points
Disguise - 3 Points
Scope - 2 points
Soldiers - 2 points
sufx - 2 points
3D Logic - 2 points
Persistence - 2 points
LGI Esports - 2 Points
D3fault - 3 Pro Points
Sitdownboi - 0 Pro Points
NVCNS - 0 Pro Points
So it takes a couple days before ZP is distributed? That's reasonable, just wondering when we can expect our zp from sunday.
The ZP usually gets distributed on Tuesday 1 AM EST. Sorry for the inconvenience.
~ Pyrex Support -
Updated points for Month 2 - September:
1 - FOHH - 27 - Moved to Pro
2 - Trix - 21 - Moved to Pro
GFXSports - 20 *
Sublime - 16
Atrocious - 14
Restrictz - 12
y u pst - 10
Pokemon go - 8
Harbas - 8
Piru - 7
nngaming - 4
ggcarrot - 4
Dystopia - 3
Open: UK
1- BusinessAim - 28 - Moved to Pro
2- Rawness - 22 - Moved to Pro
Synergy - 11
Soliders - 8
Team5Legends - 8
ACEITesports - 7
Dawnit - 7
3DLogic - 6
6thAvenue - 5
TeamLogic - 5
Tentra - 5
White Beards - 5
Avengers - 5
MuppetSquad - 5
Pandora - 4
Dystopia - 3
EslW1re - 3
HarD team - 3
mvgts - 3
fiftycalibre - 2
FARE - 2
ruLegends - 2 -
[GM]Effects wrote: »Updated points for Month 2 - September:
1 - FOHH - 27 - Moved to Pro
2 - Trix - 21 - Moved to Pro
GFXSports - 20 *
Sublime - 16
Atrocious - 14
Restrictz - 12
y u pst - 10
Pokemon go - 8
Harbas - 8
Piru - 7
nngaming - 4
ggcarrot - 4
Dystopia - 3 -
[GM]Effects wrote: »Updated points for Month 2 - September:
1 - FOHH - 27 - Moved to Pro
2 - Trix - 21 - Moved to Pro
GFXSports - 20 *
Sublime - 16
Atrocious - 14
Restrictz - 12
y u pst - 10
Pokemon go - 8
Harbas - 8
Piru - 7
nngaming - 4
ggcarrot - 4
Dystopia - 3
Open: UK
1- BusinessAim - 28 - Moved to Pro
2- Rawness - 22 - Moved to Pro
Synergy - 11
Soliders - 8
Team5Legends - 8
ACEITesports - 7
Dawnit - 7
3DLogic - 6
6thAvenue - 5
TeamLogic - 5
Tentra - 5
White Beards - 5
Avengers - 5
MuppetSquad - 5
Pandora - 4
Dystopia - 3
EslW1re - 3
HarD team - 3
mvgts - 3
fiftycalibre - 2
FARE - 2
ruLegends - 2
ZP? msg2short -
It should be 5 points since last week you guys placed 5-8 which is 3 points and 9th place this time which is 2 points but ya i updated it
Aha just double checked and you're correct, thanks
Also teams that no showed don't get any points.
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