Denied over 20 tickets, what do I do?

My acount was hacked some months ago, recently I've been trying to get it back. I've put in over 20 different tickets (doing another ticket after the previous one gets denied).
I've filled the formed correctly as they suggest to, I've given support team a handful of transaction ID's, I've given them my address/ISP was used to create the account.

I don't know what else to do.

I used to stream and still have some highlights on twitch of me playing on my account, would a GM even consider that as more evidence?

I've given them more evidence than they would ever need to prove its me, but I get the famous copy and paste every time telling me I don't have enough evidence to prove it's me.

tldr; Got hacked, GM's denying all my tickets although of perfect evidence it's me, looking for advice on what to do next.


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