Looking for a team


I would like a to be able to come to a team and not have to babysit or carry. I would like it to have a competitive side to the clan aswell as a chill side, and is North American

Playing Style: I have an awkward playing style for most when im the last one alive. i play very very slow. and if im calling starts if even worse
Highlists of My CF Career:
Playing With Paradox-, this is because they were one of the very first teams i'd come across that didn't really need me. they also had the maturity on vent although it varies in game.

Past Clans:LND, Marvel, Dedicated Gaming, Continuum Gaming, Serenity, Zen, Paradox-, Total Choas,

Age: im 20 years old so maturity won't be a problem. i also might have troubles getting on for league matches due to work and life.

I have a lot of game sense ive been playing fps's for about 5 years now. i have no problem with aim.

Weaknesses: Consistancy is a major one for me. Rushing certain parts of maps, sraying long range.

Guns: M4/Skill Light

Don't bother putting a name and a link actually tell me why you want me on ur team

If you need anymore information hit me up on xfire.


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