Gun Trading?

Anyone else think z8 should add a gun trading system on their website? Sort of like CS:GO and people can auction their guns for ZP

Sign petition? :D


  • Nope. If someone steals an account and changes all their weapons to his account, it's gonna cause big problems and big waste of time.
  • If this were to be implemented there would be a huge rise in account stealing and scamming. Which already is a huge problem right now so I don't think right now would be a good time to implement it.
  • davethenew wrote: »
    If this were to be implemented there would be a huge rise in account stealing and scamming. Which already is a huge problem right now so I don't think right now would be a good time to implement it.

    They could implement an e-mail confirmation for weapon exchanges and same for auctioning them
  • iDupree wrote: »
    Nope. If someone steals an account and changes all their weapons to his account, it's gonna cause big problems and big waste of time.

    Yes for sure it would cause a lot of headaches. People do not take care of their accounts and that shouldn't make the rest of us suffer.
    Maybe have it like passing the clan leadership over. Takes 7 days and what not.

    I feel like if there was a transaction fee of say 10k zp per account it would really reduce the "stolen" accounts as someone couldn't just empty the account with out spending a lot of money first.
    davethenew wrote: »
    If this were to be implemented there would be a huge rise in account stealing and scamming. Which already is a huge problem right now so I don't think right now would be a good time to implement it.

    I could see the account selling increasing on low rank accounts with only a few guns. What I really see is people selling off guns sort of thing.
  • free crates >>>free accounts>>>>free Guns
    and then trade ?
    nooooooooo !
  • As it would bring a lot to the community it would have to have a lot of precautions to keep it from being farmers transferring all free perms to one account such as both accounts have to be more then a year old a small fee of like 1k zp for a trade or like 100k gp (as event farmers prob dont have this much) and it would have to be limited to only a few trades a year to stop the whole csgo gambling to start on this game. It would take a lot more then i think it's worth but i don't have the final say in something like this but to have this happen it wouldn't be what your imagining.
  • If Gun trading becomes a thing then several precautions need to take's my personal opinion on them...

    -Can't trade to an account linked with the same IP as yours. This aims to slow down the traffic of sending a gun from an alternate account to a main account.
    -Only X amount of trades per person per amount of time to be established. (this with first point would mean someone might not want to play the 'middle man' in a trade from alt to main.)
    -some kind of fee or 'House Tax' on the trading/sales of weapons. Potential for various factors such as rarity and stuff like that to be considered in the cost of such.
    -Can't trade special event reward items such as Permanent weapons won from Tournaments where those are the only Permanent version of such weapon.
    -More pro-action against event farmers.
    -Event rewards lessened for those who no longer have an Honorable Ribbon.

    but yea honestly don't think it's worth it for the Dev's to create such a system unless their 'House Fee' for gun trades is in ZP and is considerably high and it gets used a lot. Which the only way to get it used a lot would be to pretty not put up any restrictions on gun trades and make it a whatever goes....but then you get scammers and account stealers coming out of the woodwork even more so on top of people abusing it to transfer wins from their alts to their main from the free event crates which...ultimately means they didn't buy crates so it'd just be moving where the revenue comes from....selling of ZP for crates or selling ZP for weapon transfer services. Actual revenue might go up a BIT but probably not enough to satisfy wasting so much time developing the system and ironing out the bugs with it after first release... ... . . . . .
  • Gun trading shouldn't be in crossfire. (this version atleast, for several reasons)
  • Wont become a thing.Curently if you desire for a certain gun you have to spend looooooooooooots of ZP in Black Market to try to win it.By trading with someone who has copies of that said weapon,you will only pay to Smilegate that trading fee everyone who has been suggesting this trading idea keeps on relying on it:anywhere from 1k to 50k zp/weapon which is less (and in some cases WAY less, where you spend 500k+ZP on a gun and still dont win it) than the ammount of money you have to curently spend if you even want to have a chance at gettting the gun.

    Seeing how much money CF makes(due to things stated above) this trading feature will never be implemented.After all these years of raining with $$$ on the devs,implementing such an option will drastically lower their profits,not instantly but in time. The only truly way to see trading implemented would be in the case of the game dying overall and they would try to squeeze some more $ from players.
  • svanced wrote: »
    The only truly way to see trading implemented would be in the case of the game dying overall and they would try to squeeze some more $ from players.
    Wouldn't be surprised if they did do a thing if the game was to completely die, which isn't that long from now. They already ruined the game by adding guns that cost $100 that are OP. But what's all this talk gonna do :P
  • Lol you're funny if you think I'll provide all that info.
  • OGMarsh you do realize that its a Petition Site, they don't give out your information
  • OGMarsh wrote: »
    Lol you're funny if you think I'll provide all that info.

    Ikr. Lmao

    iArebourne wrote: »
    OGMarsh you do realize that its a Petition Site, they don't give out your information
    Doesn't matter.
  • Trading weapons permanently?

    Renting weapons for ZP/GP + z8 taking a small fee?