LIKE [forum suggestion]

We should have this "Like" feature and a number of likes in total. Not names because that just takes half the page (if large number of likes) and unorganized. So if someone has a good idea or thread, forumers can like it.

And another feature that lets you see who liked the thread by simply clicking the "X likes" text.


  • I'd rather people post an opinion than just click a button and leave. A lot of people will do it for lolz
  • I'm with Moe on this one. Comments stating they like/dislike a suggestion and then giving a reason WHY are more helpful to all involved (players, GMs, and Dev's).

    MAYBE allowing the use of a Poll feature on forums would make something along this lines per suggestions topic and would give a general showing of how many people like/dislike/indifferent at the top of the topic...but comments are where it's at when it comes to GMs and Devs deciding if something is worth it and what a good medium is on how a suggestion should get implemented based on all players inputs.