Hit registration got worse after 20th patch

Last week I suggested to have a better hit registration because our current system isn't good. But after yesterday's patch, I noticed a change in the registration, and it got worse. I am getting killed behind walls from high pingers AND low pingers aswell and shots not registering more than before. It feels like high pingers have better hit reg than I do.... I have 50 steady ping connected to ethernet so my internet is perfectly fine. Revert back to our old hit reg, atleast it was better than how it is now.

I'm no expert on how this works but, can we atleast upgrade to 64 tick servers?


  • They (high pingers) do reg way better than we do. Was close range with AK, shot him 4 times, around 60 damage, he shot me a couple time with a useless weapon, dead.
  • yes its unfair !

    my ping is 71 but ..

    The solution is to add a new server to the Egyptians
  • IGetHigh96 wrote: »
    Last week I suggested to have a better hit registration because our current system isn't good. But after yesterday's patch, I noticed a change in the registration, and it got worse. I am getting killed behind walls from high pingers AND low pingers aswell and shots not registering more than before. It feels like high pingers have better hit reg than I do.... I have 50 steady ping connected to ethernet so my internet is perfectly fine. Revert back to our old hit reg, atleast it was better than how it is now.

    I'm no expert on how this works but, can we atleast upgrade to 64 tick servers?

    I have same issue.
  • The solution is to add a new server to the Egyptians

    Well that'd certainly help to a degree however the tick rate as said is a pretty big issue of why there's so much no reg to begin with. The players who have higher ping/more lag just exacerbate the issue with their connectivity issues. That being said...we've been over the reason as to why a server based in the ME region won't happen and likely not for some time.

    I really wish they would upgrade the servers though. A lot of issues with them and they randomly go down fairly frequently. so yea...some sort of action is needed for the sake of lessening the occurrences of no reg.