Looking for Members

We are currently a group of 3 players looking for a few people to run with us, This will be a somewhat casual clan. We have all had played this for less than 1 month. And are playing due to computer-hardware restrictions. All 3 of us have had prior FPS experience, 2 having been tournament players in other FPS games. I don't like using the word "Pro" But we're good.
We will be a Ventrilo Oriented Clan so Mic are required.
We are only accepting people from the US or Canada.

I own my own dedicated ventrilo server with the highest codec. So no downtimes and no lag and best voice quality.

If you're interested please contact:
xFire: nagimagister
IGN: Rekai
MSN: Nagi_Magister@hotmail.com
Email: NagiMagister@gmail.com
Steam: nagimagister
Yeah, you've GOT to have one of these. I will also check back on this thread every so often.