New Maps

Since i've seen Kanadian say that they'd like specific Suggestion threads to link the Dev's to instead of justing telling them that 'the players want X' here's one.

We need new maps! particularly for forgotten modes!
New maps add life to the game and keep things interesting. For example in Ghost Mode Laboratory is a great map...but it gets really old when it's played 9001+ times in a row and is about the only GM map played in most rooms. Adding new maps gives a perfect reason to do events as well and we all love events! So it engages the player base on 2 fronts which is a great thing.

These are the ones I think need it specifically:
-Suppression (only 1 map for this mode currently)
-Ghost Mode (Hasn't seen a new map in forever)
-Escape Mode (like 3 maps for this one and hasn't seen a new one in even longer than GM)
-Wave Mode (again only like 3 maps)
-ZM2 (okay not really forgotten as it's new mode still...but it will eventually need more maps as well)
-Spy (currently only 1 map)
-Super Soldier TDM and S&D (TDM has like 2 maps and S&D version only has 1)

Second Suggestion regarding maps....

Release a Map Making Package and Tutorial for players!
Why do this? Simple, it allows players to create their own maps and then hopefully have a way to submit them through appropriate channels via Tickets to the GMs which then send them off to the Dev's. The Dev's could then process the maps to make sure they meet the criteria and make any necessary edits to keep them up to standards and prevent glitching and the what not. This would allow the CF Player base and community to become a part of the very process of making the game and can be a PERFECT conduit for future events somewhat similar to the Show Your Skin event. If players can create maps it could lighten the map making work load for the Dev team from having to create new maps from start to finish to just editing the good ones that are submitted.
If Player Map Making becomes a thing a new sub-forum could be opened up on the forums specifically catered to those making maps. Inside the sub-forum everyone could share tutorials on how to create certain things or even just show off what they are working on.

Finally players may have some innovative ideas for maps using the existing things the game has which may inspire the Dev's themselves once they see them so the level of Map Design could very well increase for even higher quality and maps that are more fun to play on.

So what do you think? New maps and maybe giving us, the players, the ability to try to make new maps for the Dev's to potentially add in-game as well?


  • While I do quite agree with there being no new maps for the newer modes, the major gripe I have is that there simply are way, WAY too many modes which the maps spread out on.

    Which naturally leads to certain modes not getting new content in ages, because the devs concentrate their efforts on creating gimmicky modes (Mutants vs Ghosts, anyone?) which simply die out and get ignored as the players go back to playing TD, SnD, FFA and GM, equaling in wasted work on a map which could have been used for a more popular mode (Ironically, the Mutant vs Ghost Map would make a neat Knife FFA map, for example.) AND leads to the Devs introducing the next kind of Mode in order to keep things "fresh" and once again, wasted workload which could have been used on a sleek new GM Map. Quite the vicious cycle.

    I'd personally ask for them cutting down on the addition of Modes/Maps for said dead modes and instead concentrating in building a solid foundation with the preexisting popular modes.

    My Gripe would be solved however with your second suggestion which I wholeheartedly agree on, however. Having folks create maps (for the dead modes specifically) would most likely ease the workload of the devs by quite a big margin.

    So, yeah. All in all, solid foundation for both of your Suggestions.

    Discussions like the one here always kinda piqued my interest, so I'll be following this closely.
  • I also agree on potentially getting rid of the repetitive gimmicky modes like Mutants VS Ghost and really get rid of Hero Mode as well. Pool in their maps into the other Mutation type games map pools too. But that is mainly represented with the Mutation types anyways. (sure there's a fair few 'pseudo'-modes with TDM and FFA like the bazooka knife map and others like that...but like said those are 'pseudo'-modes as they're more map coded I think)

    I'll be posting another suggestion(s) on Modes probably in the next few days.
  • Ixith wrote: »

    I agree that we need more interesting maps. Maps in which players with wallbang guns aren't superior (not every part of the map is made out of "wood" *cough*[size=-2]festival[/size]*cough*).
    Also, I believe that devs shouldn't waste time on making specific maps for modes which are similar to others. E.g. Merida map can be used in all mutation related modes (hmx, mm, hm, m vs g...)

    But yea, new maps for popular modes, which don't have a lot of maps to play, would be great.
    Ixith wrote: »

    We might get a hard version of SS map soon. Atleast I hope we do.
    New ZM2 maps are exetremely welcome aswell. :)
    Ixith wrote: »

    I don't know how, but I'd like to see that happen.
  • +1 we need new maps in modes dead modes like: WAVE, SUPER SOLDIER, SUPPRESSION, GHOST, SHADOW ect.

    C'mon Z8, we got so many weapon choices, and so little options to use them in. At least let SG know that some modes, like the above mentioned need 1 or 2 more new maps each for our player base satisfaction.
  • i'm bumping this back up to top as I feel more responses are need to really drive this home that Maps are the life force of each individual mode and that a lack of newly generated maps will be the ultimate downfall of a game.

    If you look at some of the long lasting communities for various computer games you'll notice their longevity within a community system is the fact that people are able to make and publish Maps and Mods for them. And while mods represents an issue within a Multiplayer FPS like this the map aspect wouldn't or at least shouldn't if done even remotely competently.
    (examples of other games which have great communities would be the old Doom games and older Command & Conquer games. Many of them survived due to the communities of players being able to contribute to the game in some way shape or form.)