remove tmp guns please

i cant play wave mode anymore
many players use it so bad
it makes stunn for enemy while shooting
its op gun there is no point to play agnist it even if i use +10 card and he is +0
its like a hack gun
they should reduce the stun of the gun and speed while hold it
its most op gun now in cf


  • Well you cannot simply remove a gun, what about the people who spent money to win this specific weapon?
  • Just remove the free one.
    Zp crate steyr is not common and its not that annoying.
    But free tmp for logging is a pain in the .. for everyone except the user.
  • Yeah remove the temp one +1
    Wouldnt mind if that free M14 gold got removed too. Or all temp slaughter ticket weapons which I actually PAID for for that matter.
  • you must be joking or saying something not real cause tmp with zp much harder than free tmp by loging in
    so at all we need all tmps be decreased power and stunning enemies to go back and play and enjoy wave mode like we started wave mode
  • the least enjoyable aspect of wave is the stupid long spawn times. They should change that then maybe more people like myself might bother playing it.

    But as for the TMPs. If you know how to counter them they're not that bad really. Primarily if you keep your distance from them they won't do much damage on you and they'll miss enough at longer ranges that the JHP stun effect won't be anywhere near as bad. But if you are engaging them up close your best bet is to be a Juggernaut with a shotgun. Juggers hardly take any damage from TMP per shot and a shotgun will tear right through them even if they are also using juggernaught.

    I'll agree with removing the regular TMP from the log-in rewards, although most of the nabs who use log in rewards don't know how to shoot half the time anyways. I might even agree to a minor nerfing of even the TMP Val, and that's being an owner of the TMP Val. But honestly it's not their damage factor that makes them OP it's their accuracy, recoil, and reload speed that makes them OP. The JHP ammo effect could probably be reserved for the ZP crate versions as well instead of including it with the log-in reward one.
    Then the flat out biggest flaw is more of a VIP flaw in that the added ammo effects of VIPs stack. So if someone buys 6 thompson VIPs and puts their TMP in their 7th bag they now have a TMP with +42 ammo thanks to the +7 SMG ammo per clip that each Thompson VIP gives. So a 72 shot regular TMP and a 77 shot TMP Val is just super SUPER OP. Which negates probably the biggest negative the TMP has which is you are easily left with 0 ammo since it shoots so fast. If they changed the VIP ammo stack, things would be MUCH better.

    but a major nerf or removal of the ZP version would be out of line. A lot of people dropped a good amount of cash trying to get the Valentine weapons this year and would be quite displeased as well. especially when people who can't learn to counter it are the force behind getting it nerfed or worse.

    oh...and shame we can't talk about other versions you'd LOVE what one or so of them have. LOL.
    I'll also add that a lot of people QQ any time anyone uses any SMG. It doesn't even have to be a TMP and people will QQ about it. Remember the M12s? What about the Kriss Super Vs? I've even had someone on the other team last week QQ at me for using the oh so OP regular Uzi. Like srsly? But yea people just don't like getting rushed and flushed which is the ENTIRE point of an SMG. Sneak up to enemy lines, preferably behind them, and lay waste to all you see.
  • +1, [GM]Grumpy and Co should look into it, this Steyr TMP from Attendance Week 1 Reward is so powerful it's literally destroying game balance (it's better than VIP weapons too, excluding the attributes). It's a perfect all rounder gun: super fast Reload, Fire-Rate, really good Damage, good Accuracy, super Light-Weight and that JHP Stun effect, just makes it Godly.

    The worst part is the fact that, it's too easy to obtain, so it really needs a replacement, for week 1, Primary Weapon Rewards. Maybe a Kriss Super V (normal version) for replacement of that S. TMP would be more ideal for a Attendance reward.

    Please do something about it, Z8.

    Edit: If Z8 were to get SG to nerf the S.TMP, then they might as well nerf every other weapon using JHP bullets like that MP5 Ares ect.. though I think the best option is just to replace the TMP without any stat adjustments, to avoid ZP investors from raging.
  • @tuga again kriss not op as steyr but it still takes little to no skill
    Better some gun which actually takes some skill to use. Our playerbase is really bad skill wise.