Hackers, lag cheaters, and bug abusers.

There has been a surge of new cheaters in the game and even though they've been caught red handed using illegal programs in-game, they still deny it. We need way to report them instantly while still in-game. We have enough of this and if we could, we would file a lawsuit against the creators of those illegal programs. Hey the company "Blizzard" did it, so why can't this company do it too?


  • There has been a surge of new cheaters in the game and even though they've been caught red handed using illegal programs in-game, they still deny it. We need way to report them instantly while still in-game. We have enough of this and if we could, we would file a lawsuit against the creators of those illegal programs. Hey the company "Blizzard" did it, so why can't this company do it too?

    Yeah...That's da problem.They made a hack to play with gun in a knife rounds.Lol I knifed 1 hacker in knife round and he exit from room.But that's not all.Often players can't kick a hacker from their rooms , cause some dumb rookies don't know how to vote kick , or allways press f12 to win or to make some players mad.GameGuard doesn't help.But when SubaGames created CF they shouldn't put GameGuard.Cause when I launch da game there should be GameGuard window , lol it gives - :::freespace::: [ OK ].That's the problem of GameGuard.He don't helps from hackers and buggers.
    BTW if you have utorrent and it's downloading stuff , turn it off to not lagg in game.Happens to me all the time when I launch my pc and forgotting to turn off utorrent.