What's Wrong with the FPS!?

I do not know what's wrong or what was updated but I am lagging in an 16 man room on 8x6 and I have a Intel i7 4790k! and an nvida gtx 760 and 8GBs of RAM. I am not the only one experiencing this lag. Whatever you changed change it back. I usually get 200+ constantly.

Thanks in advanced.


  • I do not know what's wrong or what was updated but I am lagging in an 16 man room on 8x6 and I have a Intel i7 4790k! and an nvida gtx 760 and 8GBs of RAM. I am not the only one experiencing this lag. Whatever you changed change it back. I usually get 200+ constantly.

    Thanks in advanced.
    Gtx 1080, i7-3980X. 32 gb ram (farmer) nah. but I know. a lot of friends complaining about the lagg issue, but tbh I didn't noticed anything. but I know 1 thing. my ping is too low. I don't know why

    On gta 5 ultra settings I have a ping of 65-70 (which is super super good for gta) here I got only 160-220

    Anyways, maybe GPU update? or anything else, did you check if everything is up2date? installed crossfire on SSD? etc etc..

    EDIT: for some reason my fps improved a lot when I deleted my anti virus (Norton) ewwww... Norton sucks