Suggestion to a suggestion

I was looking through the sub forum and saw a thread about combining old black market guns so they would be two a crate. While this would give more incentive to spin with a chance to win two weapons instead of one which would help compete with newer crates(Even though we don't know if the actual % of winning is higher) i don't think this is the best fix.

Here is what i propose happens to old crates that are "forgotten". I think this is done in other crossfire versions but here is the idea. Inside the black market you currently have two tabs, GP and ZP. I think there needs to be a third tab. This would be the discount section. Old crates which are not spun very often would be put in this section. I don't think it needs to be a huge reduction but it could be a 20% discount that would give more incentive to spin for less appealing weapons. It would be similar to how z8 dealt with old guns in the past but this time they could be on sale in their own section and would be the first to go if we needed more space. Its like a cycle, new weapons are added then old weapons sent to discount and lastly discount weapons retired (unless z8 wants to have them make a reappearance latter down the road *wink* *wink*) Just a thought and i hope you guys like it.
