June 22nd Update Patchnotes
Attention Mercs,
The 9A-91 is one of the world’s smallest rifles. It also has additional ammo. Receiving the god of Death, Hades' grace, It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
A modified TRG-21 with additional ammo. Receiving the God of War, Ares's grace, It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
Mauser M1896-Libra
A gun developed and produced by Mauser. Instead of a slide, this 'reduced rifle' has a breech block. The weapon can be fired in semi-auto or 3-round burst modes. It also includes additional ammo and receives the goddess of love, Aphrodite's grace. It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
Nemesis Charger Crate
OM-50 Nemesis
[Upcoming Events]
**** Patch Notes ****
* Added *
* Fixed *
- Fixed an issue that would cause Chicago's round start volume to be nonadjustable
- Fixed an issue that would cause Jade & Nation Flag Crate to reward an incorrect GP value (players who had this issue will be reimbursed their missing GP after maintenance)
- Fixed various grammatical text errors
Season 2 of Ranked Mode is underway! You've done well achieve your hard earned Ranked Medals, to further aid you on your ranked conquest we'll release a weapon package! Good Luck Soldiers!
[New Weapons]
Zodiac Summer Crate
The 9A-91 is one of the world’s smallest rifles. It also has additional ammo. Receiving the god of Death, Hades' grace, It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
A modified TRG-21 with additional ammo. Receiving the God of War, Ares's grace, It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
Mauser M1896-Libra
A gun developed and produced by Mauser. Instead of a slide, this 'reduced rifle' has a breech block. The weapon can be fired in semi-auto or 3-round burst modes. It also includes additional ammo and receives the goddess of love, Aphrodite's grace. It's beautiful skin makes it a high value collectable.
Nemesis Charger Crate
OM-50 Nemesis
A Swiss AMSD developed sniper rifle that chambers.50 BMG and comes with a silencer.
Ruger Charger
A pistol which has been made for sports and hunting. It uses .22LR caliber which gives low damage but has high accuracy and low recoil. It also has a scope for long distance shooting.
Ruger Charger
A pistol which has been made for sports and hunting. It uses .22LR caliber which gives low damage but has high accuracy and low recoil. It also has a scope for long distance shooting.
[Upcoming Events]
**** Patch Notes ****
* Added *
- Zodiak Summer Crate added to Black Market
- 9A-91-Scorpius
- TRG-21-Aries
- Mauser M1896-Libra
- 9A-91-Scorpius
- TRG-21-Aries
- Mauser M1896-Libra
- Ruger Charger Crate added to Black Market
- OM-50 Nemesis
- Ruger Charger
- OM-50 Nemesis
- Ruger Charger
- Fixed an issue that would cause Chicago's round start volume to be nonadjustable
- Fixed an issue that would cause Jade & Nation Flag Crate to reward an incorrect GP value (players who had this issue will be reimbursed their missing GP after maintenance)
- Fixed various grammatical text errors
Know your Nemesis event
Hello GM & [MOD]
Why I couldn't see the " Know your nemesis " event in game or on website at the moment !!
You said in 22 June thread there is an event called " know your nemesis " will start at 27 June ?
No thing started & no thing helps me to know if it has been cancelled ��
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