Best Solution for Ranked Match!!

Alright Z8, let's face it, ranked match just isn't how you expected it to be. You got people partying with their hacking friends, hacks almost every single game, the mode is just unplayable, it's completely broken. BEST solution is to enable KVS and remove party. Ranked match as it is is no way a playable mode, nor will it ever be. Best thing to do is remove party system, and enable Kick Voting System. It would've been better if there was no hack, but in a game like this, there will always be hacks. So for now, please do what I suggested and make this mode playable. I could really go into detail but this is all I'm gonna say for now. Hope you understand.


  • Kick vote will be abused, that;s for sure. And disabling the party system does more damage than fix imo. We still got 5 months for this season, lets see how it goes?

    Hackers will also decrease soon since the event is over, so thats a relief.
  • [MOD]Moe wrote: »
    Kick vote will be abused, that;s for sure. And disabling the party system does more damage than fix imo. We still got 5 months for this season, lets see how it goes?

    Hackers will also decrease soon since the event is over, so thats a relief.
    So you're telling me that you would rather not have a KVS right now? No KVS and party system and a rank system is heaven for cheaters. I'm saying for now we should implement a KVS but keep party system as you said for now ATLEAST and then remove KVS in the future when the hacks are patched and hackers are gone.
  • Listen it isn't gonna be abused the KVS has been used in crossfire since day 1, yes sometimes its effective others its not you saying that isn't right and it never will be there isnt a any chance that this is ever gonna be fixed unless you take out hacks you can say whatever and change whatever, but you can't just say things will and will not work thats what trying is and that's what z8 did by making this ranked mode the way it is to see how the community will react, now I agree with KVS but not the partying I should enjoy the game with my friends or whoever it may be. And the hackers will continue to abuse cause they cant be kicked hell some of them get enjoyment watching others get mad, yes it's still young but the hackers don't go away we know this, something needs to be done not "Oh just wait it'll be okay" Iv'e heard that enough from z8 and there staff.