Stop wasting time

LOL, so many people have sent the data to z8games for the "HighPing data Collection"...If those GMs are really serious they have got all they need to fix the ping or rather I should say 'make our ping back to normal where it was before.'

And the UK server is just out of the question...They cant fix these simple ping problems, why discuss about the new UK server. Why? Cuz they dont care!!! and Why? Some people dont even know really about this issue and blame their Network or ISP or whatever!!! And the funny thing is some are considering to buy a good PC to see whether they might a good low ping, not know they already have a fine FPS.

Why I bring up this thread? Cuz I see so many people dreaming in the daylight and seeing stars in the sky.."Dreaming that they wil get their ping fixed and get a lower ping from the Uk server"!!!

And play happily ever after, just like a stupid story!!!

So, I request you to stoping making new threads about this lagg. This whole Z8 is lagg in the first place cuz things never ever ever ever things quickly.
