To open all first information in game this suggestion

Hello GMs and all Mods and crossfire support ,
all GMs and Crossfire support stopped to get block first information for all players want this , some players want to back open all first information , What are the required information to back open the first information , this not spam this suggestion only ,
thankes ^^ .


  • I agree

    there are many cases of people who are sending a support ticket not because their account got "hacked" & as they doing it simply for ask a piece of information they are unsure about

    account admin Gm's thinking they're highly security management while all they are doing is making it harder to recover and therefore easier to steal

    like who going to remember their account creation date from 2009? o_O"
  • I agree

    there are many cases of people who are sending a support ticket not because their account got "hacked" & as they doing it simply for ask a piece of information they are unsure about

    account admin Gm's thinking they're highly security management while all they are doing is making it harder to recover and therefore easier to steal

    like who going to remember their account creation date from 2009? o_O"

    I do, I still have the signup email...and logs of all payments made etc too.
  • so honestly couldn't understand what OP was trying to say/suggest. So i'm going to go off of what Shadow has stated...

    So what i'm gathering is...people are sending in support tickets, 'not because they've been banned', but because they want the information from their own account just in case they need it. Information such as security questions and what not. Or in this case as Shadow points out the account creation date. Now, I've never had to use any account recovery or anything but if you need account creation date that is kind of lame as I certainly can't remember the date (though i probably have an email somewhere with it) and maybe not even the exact month of when I first made my account. for the security questions I'm sorry those are set up when you first make the account so that they are linked directly to you and that YOU should be able to answer them easily enough if you ever need.(were there even security questions on accounts for this game? I honestly don't remember. LOL)
    So if you can't answer them you either made some bogus answer to a question instead of taking it seriously or you're not the person who set up your account. In which case you either hacked it or bought it off of someone. Both of which are against the Terms of Service if I recall correctly.
    If you made up some bogus answer to your security question and can't remember it..then I feel sorry for you, though that's generally why places use 3 security questions as you try again and get a different one and maybe can answer that one correctly and get access and then change all that stuff to be more fitting for you at the current time.

    and honestly. all these people worried about their accounts getting stolen. If you don't give out your info/share accounts or download something that has a keylogger for crossfire then the chances of your account getting stolen in the first place is reduced GREATLY. Maybe also make sure your password isn't something like 123456 or Guest that way some random person just trying to guess your log in info doesn't actually guess it. lol
  • I do, I still have the signup email...and logs of all payments made etc too.

    oh how cute so you think if you got all the info then you are immune?...I don't think you understood Natt =)))

    account admin Gm's asking highly ridiculous questions not even the account owners themselves are able provide

    you can check it by yourself if you an alt send a ticket and tell them that you lost your main and give them all the info..let's see if they will help you

    "if you don't have 1 piece of the info & then you don't have all the info"- [Gm]chaotsa
  • sorry for double post
    Ixith wrote: »
    so honestly couldn't understand what OP was trying to say/suggest. So i'm going to go off of what Shadow has stated...

    I think what OP was trying to say is that he wants the Gm's to "reset" everyone account information to the first information (to the account registration info form 7 years ago) without any possibility to change it
    Ixith wrote: »
    So what i'm gathering is...people are sending in support tickets, 'not because they've been banned', but because they want the information from their own account just in case they need it. Information such as security questions and what not. Or in this case as Shadow points out the account creation date. Now, I've never had to use any account recovery or anything but if you need account creation date that is kind of lame as I certainly can't remember the date (though i probably have an email somewhere with it) and maybe not even the exact month of when I first made my account. for the security questions I'm sorry those are set up when you first make the account so that they are linked directly to you and that YOU should be able to answer them easily enough if you ever need.(were there even security questions on accounts for this game? I honestly don't remember. LOL)
    So if you can't answer them you either made some bogus answer to a question instead of taking it seriously or you're not the person who set up your account. In which case you either hacked it or bought it off of someone. Both of which are against the Terms of Service if I recall correctly.
    If you made up some bogus answer to your security question and can't remember it..then I feel sorry for you, though that's generally why places use 3 security questions as you try again and get a different one and maybe can answer that one correctly and get access and then change all that stuff to be more fitting for you at the current time.

    I'm glad you agree with me :)
    Ixith wrote: »
    and honestly. all these people worried about their accounts getting stolen. If you don't give out your info/share accounts or download something that has a keylogger for crossfire then the chances of your account getting stolen in the first place is reduced GREATLY. Maybe also make sure your password isn't something like 123456 or Guest that way some random person just trying to guess your log in info doesn't actually guess it. lol never know =)))

    there might be keyloggers even in kill marks and sound effect which 50% of the players download on normal basis

    plus there are many of "mega investors" who wasted on this game a good amount of money and because of it they became a bit paranoid about their accounts & and want their accounts as much secure as possible
  • there might be keyloggers even in kill marks and sound effect which 50% of the players download on normal basis

    Wow, its almost like you shouldn't be using different killmarks and sound effects for some reason ;)
  • I do, I still have the signup email...and logs of all payments made etc too.
    ^ pretty much this. I got all information. All 7 used ign's, pws. Payment I'd & datum & time
    And I got all weapon/black market logs. From the old profile page.
    Just write all ur info on paper. And put it under your bed. Or under your TV Stand.
  • oh how cute so you think if you got all the info then you are immune?...I don't think you understood Natt =)))

    account admin Gm's asking highly ridiculous questions not even the account owners themselves are able provide

    you can check it by yourself if you an alt send a ticket and tell them that you lost your main and give them all the info..let's see if they will help you

    "if you don't have 1 piece of the info & then you don't have all the info"- [Gm]chaotsa

    But, I've been through the system to change my email, and got it all right? It's really not that difficult if the account is actually yours....
    Wow, its almost like you shouldn't be using different killmarks and sound effects for some reason ;)

    IKR! Almost like they put the killmarks into the REZ files so it means they CAN'T be changed without risking a ban...Weird eh!
  • Rus against the world :p
    But, I've been through the system to change my email, and got it all right? It's really not that difficult if the account is actually yours....

    Do you really think the Gm's asking you in the ticket about the basic BS info they send you to the email via the "Forgot ID & password page"?

    they're usually asking about absurd stuff such a city where the account was created and 4 last numbers on your credit card that you used in each of the transactions
    Wow, its almost like you shouldn't be using different killmarks and sound effects for some reason ;)

    you can laugh all you want =) but you can't deny the fact that the forums are spammed on daily basis by medos who lost their accounts

    (there are at least 5-7 threads from frustrated Egy's every day) :p
  • never know =)))

    there might be keyloggers even in kill marks and sound effect which 50% of the players download on normal basis

    plus there are many of "mega investors" who wasted on this game a good amount of money and because of it they became a bit paranoid about their accounts & and want their accounts as much secure as possible

    actually I do, relatively, know. As stated before it's against TOS to edit REZ files where kill marks and most other things go. So those "50% of players" who download the kill marks and sound effects on a 'normal basis' and then working to edit their REZ files are breaking TOS anyways. I pretty much doubt it's 50% of players either that do those things.

    And...if you're not giving out your info, not downloading ANYTHING which may have a keylogger attached in relation to CF. Then chances are you're very VERY unlikely to lose control of your account and need to go through the process of recovering it due to a not-related-to-your-own-person issue. Which leaves personal error such as changing account info and forgetting to write it down and then not being able to remember the new info. Which hopefully you're wise enough to keep any and all emails regarding your account and your purchases and anything else regarding your account, such as MOST 'mega-investors' probably do. As in example Natt and Kitta both have their info saved and are both investors. And I keep all my emails and have all my names/logins written down for all things I do as well.

    as far as "midos" spamming the forums about lost accounts. well. spam is easily removed. It's why we have MODs! well...part of the reason. lol At the end of the day...if you can't keep your own account safe from yourself then how do you expect the GMs to be able to help you? Honestly, if people could just request account info from GMs with very little to basic info then people could just claim an account that's not even theirs. So yea. And I'd expect myself to know the last 4 digits of whatever Credit Card I used on my last purchases too. And even if I couldn't remember it I'd imagine I'd have the info nearby such as in my wallet or on a receipt of purchase that I kept via digital file or in a secure folder at home. And city? please surely you can remember what city you made your account in. There can only be so many places.
  • Do you really think the Gm's asking you in the ticket about the basic BS info they send you to the email via the "Forgot ID & password page"?

    they're usually asking about absurd stuff such a city where the account was created and 4 last numbers on your credit card that you used in each of the transactions

    It must have been a while since you last recovered an account. I'm looking at the form now for sending in a recovery ticket, and I don't see anything about a city where the account was created or anything to do with a credit card number.