Anyone tried skydiving?

Any one tried skydiving :D /
Its looking amazing.

How did it cost you if you tried it? Also , Where you tried it? You have a pic? Tell us more..


  • There are a few companies near me that do it. No accidents or anything but it's asking for trouble.

    Would be a heck of an adrenalin rush though.
  • Tried a sky-diving simulator a few months ago (basically a huge fan pushing you upwards with the wind it blows). It's pretty cool, but very tiring.
  • It's pretty fun, YouTube videos for "skydiving million special" someone did it for reaching 2-3 million subs but I forgot their name
  • No, but I tried diving(and no don't get me wrong.. not the complicated kind with all the oxygen tanks and the underwater costume etc')

    what I did was diving with snorkels so I haven't gone too far from the beach

    it was pretty cool to see all the rare fishes and the poisonous sea urchins

    (this experience was also a bit dangerous because the sea I was at is a shared Sea between Israel and Jordan so I couldn't move to the area of territorial waters which aren't part of my country)

  • Oh, I've done many jumps, and there's a few things you should know if you want your first time to be good.

    Number 1- Eat a LIGHT meal before you go up in the plane

    Number 2- Once you jump, you're going to feel your heart momentarily stop. It is perfectly OK at this point to try to pull your co-partners parachute out of shear terror. They will understand.

    Number 3- To give you extra motivation, have your parachute thrown out of the plane right before you. This will motivate you to keep a clear head while you complete the jump. Also, the adrenaline rush is unparalleled.

    Number 4- For your first few jumps, do not wear any pants. It's much less cleanup later on when you inevitably lose control of your bodily functions on the way down. The breeze is also very nice.

    Number 5- Right as you are about to leave the plane, shout "Allah Akbar". Geronimo is way too mainstream nowadays.

    That's it for now, you should be all set with these basic things. Let me know if you want any more tips

    Edit: Almost forgot the most important thing- once you've landed on the ground, post at least 15-27 pictures onto social media of your jump. Less than 15 and your friends/family won't have a good understanding of what you did.