Help With OBS
I was wondering what settings should I use for OBS in order to have 720p quality on Youtube. Also, when I record, the right side of the screen gets buggy. I think it has to do with my resolution on the computer, crossfire, and OBS. So what settings should I have for Base Resolution? Should it be the same resolution as my desktop or Crossfire? Any help would be appreciated.
Base resolution should be set to the one you play on Crossfire and make sure its 16:9 to prevent black bars. Use Game capture it's the best option.
Step 1: Close CF Step 2: Open OBS as admin Step 3: Open CF and put it into windows mode Step 4: Add game capture and select Crossfire tick ignore aspect ratio also stretch image to screen (your native resolution in OBS settings has to be 16:9) my native is 1152 by 648 then downscale to 920x518 in order to play without black bars on 800x600. If you put 800x600 then it'll be 4:3 and will display black bars regardless if you tick stretch so make sure your native is correct first to. Step 5: Preview your stream and it should work now you can put it in full screen and every time you alt tab you have to re-tick game capture (the check mark) so it doesn't freeze on the screen where you last were when you hit alt tab because CF is weird (other games H1z1 you don't have to do that, it automatically continues). This is better because no black bars and less FPS freezing (I've tested Windowed mode it drops my fps and Game capture doesn't affect anything). Your bit rate and FPS settings determine the quality but only put your bit rate high if your upload speed can handle it. I put mine on 3000-3500 I have 10mbps upload.
Btw pick the server closest to you for FMS URL so that you don't lag. -
My problem isn't black bars, but the right side of my screen is blurry. Also OBS didn't record the entire screen, it like zoomed in so I can't see my hp on screen. The quality is good, but dimensions are still messed up. Thanks for the advice though, still helped out a lot.
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