Town defence

Listen , It will be new mode for cf.
It will be like you have a town. And you & Your clan have to defend for it. And you attack another towns.
And you can build tanks in it. AirCrafts .. etc.. In your town to defend while you are offline.. HA ?

Just imagine.
Ik Im so creative. :D


  • sounds more like Command & Conquer: Renegade's multiplayer. Except instead of towns it was Bases that even had automated defenses. Your main objective was to destroy the entire base which could be accomplished by destroying each structure individually. (Ranging from Barracks, Power plant, War factory/Airstrip, Refinery, and the main defense tower) or each side had a 'super weapon' beacon that you could deploy within the barracks that would destroy the entire base. Each building also had like a 'main terminal' inside of it that shooting/blowing stuff up on that spot caused considerably more damage than say firing rockets at it from the outside. Also each building allowed for certain things so that once destroyed it was detrimental to that team. For example the Power Plant powered the the base defenses, barracks allowed for higher tier weapons/chars to be bought, war factory/air strip allowed for tanks, Refinery obvious allowed you to generate money faster. Thinks some of them also did other things too. can't remember.

    You also needed money to buy different character/weapon upgrades each time you respawned unless you wanted to be a basic rifleman or engineer. Or if you wanted to say buy a Tank to drive and shoot in. lol And to get money you got some for killing/destroying stuff. But you also had a harvester which went and collected tiberium (that game series currency source) which then went back to refinery and deposited it giving you money.

    Maps were usually set up so that each side had their base kinda clustered together but then there was a larger open are with some hills and sniper vantage points and the Tiberium area where the harvesters would go to get your money. And then there was also usually a more narrow often times tunnels between each base as well.

    So while kinda like Wave mode but it would obviously differ a fair amount too. Be more fun than just 'run around destroying towers until you get to the last tower/truck to destroy. meanwhile collecting air drops and protecting them while they are secured' But the respawns would have to be faster (least fun part about wave mode IMO.. suuuuuppppeeerrr looooooonnnnggggg respawns.)

    A gameplay type I wish more games would try to use as it was pretty fun and the team work and strategy required when playing real people was nice. I'd imagine with the bot set up like you have in Wave mode you could make it work with 8v8 relatively well even. though the size of map, bots, and that many players might make it really laggy as well. Especially if new feature like drive-able tanks were to get added lol.

    EDIT: oh didn't see his 'defend it while offline' part of the OP. LOL yea that part won't happen. That kind of stuff is great for MMORPGs or browser based games but doesn't work too well for FPS type games of this nature. You'd have to create more of a hybrid FPS MMORPG style game that's an open world and not just two sides pitted against each other in individual matches for that aspect to work and come into play.