Guess my time in CF is over, after 6-7 years. HELP!

Well.... I just tried starting Cross Fire. However, the game is so badly coded, it switches my resolution from 1920x1080 to 1024x768, which seems to be the root resolution for this game. So, when I start the game I can only see half of the login-screen, then I can't do anything in-game, since half of the darn screen is gone. I can manually go to nvidia control panel and switch back to 1920x1080 again, but as soon as I leave a match it switches back to the stupid 1024x768. (I´m using dual monitors and the game falls into the second monitor, black bars appear on the sides.) (It should not be able to happen, but I'm not in charge of the coding in this game.)

I already completely cleaned my PC from drivers and reinstalled them. I cleaned my PC from Cross Fire and reinstalled it again. Same problem still appears. It all started when I shifted the Fullscreen(helskärm)- Aspect ratio(Bildförhållande)- setting in the nvidia control panel.
Of course I changed it back again, but the game never returned to its' past. I tried googling, but since this game is so small, I only found a few ones without any salvation.

FYI, I've played this game since 09, since 2012-13 with this pc. I've never had these problems before.
My monitors are BenQ XL2411Z and Acer G245HQ.
My GPUs are two gtx 690s = quad-SLI.
CPU = hexacore i7 3930k.
Windows 10 64bit.
..... The PC is years ahead of this game, so it's not anything with requirements.

Did this happen to anyone else, is there a solution? Otherwise, welp...

// Paying customer since 09.


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