PartyZanesCZ recruiting

PartyZanesCZ are looking for any players from Slovakia or Czech republic (or from any other country), who wants to play in clan. We are new and have only 4 members, so we are not active yet, but hopefully will get soon. We have no requirements and any rank is welcome. If you feel like joining, please do so. I'm sorry that this post has to be in English but those are the forum rules. To join, search for PartyZanesCZ in clans and click on "join the clan", and soon enough you will be part of our team. Anyway, have fun!

(PartyZanes naberajú členov. Ak sa chceš pridať práve ty, neváhaj a požiadaj si o členstvo. Je jedno aký si level, hlavne že chceš hrať. Pre viac info čítaj vyššie.)
