Another New Super Soldier class

K. Even despite really not liking the Super Soldier stuff all that much. I thought about the possibility of a 'Shadow' class. This could potentially be very useful in the SS SnD in which the Shadow would have faster movement speed and it's skill would make the user invisible for a small amount of time thus being able to slip past enemy lines or defense. However, during that time they wouldn't be able to use any weapons. It'd be strictly movement. And of course they would still be vulnerable to enemy fire.
I mean...I suppose it could be OP if used right. But then again so are a lot of the Super Soldier stuff. lol

So yea. just a thought. So how about your thoughts on this thought? hue hue hue


  • If I do recall correctly, the Shocker Class has some kind of auto aim, which would naturally lock on to the Shadow Class. And seeing how popular that class is, I feel as though being invisible without having access to your weapons is practically a "Please come kill me" sign which you are holding up, lol.

    Either make him be able to use weapons with the same kind of limitation as in Shadow Mode (In which if you shoot TOO much, you get shown on the minimap) except that it should de-cloak him instead.


    Make him untargetable to enemy skills.

    For the record, are we talking about actual invisibility, or are talking about Ghost Mode invisibility (As in, you move, and enemies can see a silhouette of you)?
  • Here I got something to add (taking account the card is +10) Passive skill Increase movement speed by 15%, Melee damage is x10 the damage it would do normally. Active Skill active Ghost tech doubling all passive buff (MS is 30% melee is x20) become invisible (Ghost mode like) attacking while this skill is active wear it off quicker. You can use guns or melee. This make this class suitable for ambushes and make it suitable for ganking while it counter will be shock (due to it aimboting aim) and Hunter (if the class is half health) and potentially medic.

    EDIT: the starting animation (when you first start the game Ex: marksman flip a coin): your char type on a device on his arm. when activating the skill your char will donned the Ghost mask.(it already on his head it will just put it like a welding helmet) and tap the arm device once.
  • M1600wner wrote: »
    If I do recall correctly, the Shocker Class has some kind of auto aim, which would naturally lock on to the Shadow Class. And seeing how popular that class is, I feel as though being invisible without having access to your weapons is practically a "Please come kill me" sign which you are holding up, lol.

    Either make him be able to use weapons with the same kind of limitation as in Shadow Mode (In which if you shoot TOO much, you get shown on the minimap) except that it should de-cloak him instead.


    Make him untargetable to enemy skills.

    For the record, are we talking about actual invisibility, or are talking about Ghost Mode invisibility (As in, you move, and enemies can see a silhouette of you)?

    Starting with bottom question. I was thinking something more along the lines of Shadow mode ghosts, hence calling it Shadow class. Where you run and be invis but when you go to attack it wears off. But it would be a limited time since it's part of the skill.

    As far as the Shock Trooper auto-targeting. The problem with this is...they'd have to be actively in shock skill and attacking for it to auto-target. AND they'd have to be in range I do believe. So even that shouldn't be TOO big of an issue and could act as it's counter. And since the chance of running into another Enemy at a distance would probably discourage just running around the map with Shock active due to a shock range not being all that great and then having to take time to flip to gun and hope you don't die in that process (though people do this a lot in the SS TD). Though making him non-target-able by any auto-aim skills such as shock and scripted enemies like Bots/Turrets for Wave might be ideal.

    Another potential problem would be the medics poison on enemies and how it shows a display on poisoned enemies. I think they SHOULD be able to be poisoned while invis but the display would have to be removed from them while Shadow skill is active.

    So Medic, using smoke grenades, and maybe shock could all serve as potential counters to it thus making it not TOO OP if groups are organized enough and adjust according to what they are facing. The question then is....should Joker's still be able to lock onto an active skill Shadow class person? (as in if he's invis...can the joker scope him out?)

    As far as being able to use weapons with limitation like Shadow Mode...i think you're putting the GR shooting minimap shown thing mixed with BL's invis x] Though in a way they are similar seeing as the Shadow Ghost depletes it's 'invis gauge' when it attacks or jumps thus becoming visible again. But....I don't think this is needed.
    The main idea behind it is to set up ambushes like Darkfiro has stated. Or in SS S&D to get a jump on planting or defusing while your enemy is engaged in a fire fight with your other team mates. Ultimately it's biggest use would really only be in SS S&D and it'll probably fall relatively unused in Wave or SS TD though perhaps use-able for get away so that you can get to a medic or something or surprise campers who sit on the upper level of that one SS TD map. x]

    Not sure if you remember the GM bug/glitch were ghosts were able to pick up guns...but well...needless to say it's kinda OP if someone is invis shooting you. x]. Maybe melee is available when ghost.
  • Imagine if they did a new mode such as Super Soldier-Ghost Mode (SS-GM) , maybe then your Shadow Class would be more useful (invisibility special would have to work like in Shadow or GM or similar). ;p

    I don't mind a new class but doubt we will be getting one soon, after Joker class's release. +1 though.
  • Well, this class would probably end up being too op if it actually came out since if it was a 1v1 situation the chances of you losing would be pretty close to 0