An Axe to Grind - Fridays and Saturdays in May
I mean, im not going to spend half a day playing 100 40 kill matches just to hear later on that it didnt count or something. I already missed the first day because of lack of information, lets hope they clear this up so I can give it a shot today.
BeastinMid wrote: »I tried to play it and I lost keeping track of kills and matches I did, no event tracker makes it difficult unless you write it down. And the rooms are very scarce. Like if you don't have a vip axe you cant make a room, and hope others make rooms. Some matches are 8-12 mins long. Like its near impossible for regular members to get enough matches in for the max amount of crates.
True, and for me, even if I had the axe I wouldn't spend so much time playing this. -
I held 50 40kill matches earlier today as I'm hopeful they do in fact count. if not...then qq. But, anyways, it took from 9-11:30ish to do. so roughly 2 1/2 hours. not too shabby. I was able to track progress easily too as I hadn't done anything else in the game when I started so every so often I would just check on the screen that pops up before exiting the game to see how many matches and kills. Of course like said it is easier for VIP axe people to keep track that way as we can make the room and just go non-stop.
As far as 'only VIP can participate' untrue. Had TONS of Egys stick around for well over 10 matches. It might be HARDER for free players/people who don't have VIP axe. but still possible to get some if not all of the crates if persistent enough. -
I played normal matches until I found out about the event, after which I made it even 40 matches (on the exit screen). From there on I just played straight up axe td until 140 (beware that the matches that you leave from show up here as well). Easiest to keep track this way.
Yes i got the information from the game mannegers. If they are not trusted. Then I don't know. Hehe
You can always sent a support ticket to find more information about any event
Sorry but your information is wrong. -
Got 9 crates. Wasn't sure exactly where I sat on Friday with my games but I know it wasn't more than 50 but I do know that I did 50 games on Saturday. I ended up with 9 crates so that tells me I probably did 40-50 on Friday as well.
Also all of my games on Saturday were 40kill matches. so they do in fact count. And if you can't get the 30 kills within 10 games of 40kill counts. then you're doing something horribly wrong.
So I for one, say good job. Though I will be sad when I see lots of Egys winning AK Dynasty and then running around with it. Made me so happy to have won it from the 10 crate reward for MotG event.
Here's to hoping that one of these weekends here in May nets me the Tomahawk axe now. -
Hi ive played 30 games + 260kills in saturday but i got no crates thats normal?
first of all you don't have to make lots of posts asking the same thing.
secondly, it's a 3 day weekend up there in Canadaland where the GMs work. So yes it's normal. You'll likely get your crates sometime tomorrow. If for some reason you don't, then on Wednesday start asking why you haven't gotten them...but remember you only need 1 post to do so on here. -
Yeah except for that they dont.
They have done every other week, but (as has been explained multiple times on other threads) today was a public holiday in Canada, meaning the GM's weren't in work.
The rewards will come tomorrow if you met the criteria. -
[MOD]NattNatt wrote: »They have done every other week, but (as has been explained multiple times on other threads) today was a public holiday in Canada, meaning the GM's weren't in work.
The rewards will come tomorrow if you met the criteria.
I know. Don't make promises when you can't keep your word.
They shouldve atleast made a notice of it, Now we get even more confused people asking where their crates are. -
I know. Don't make promises when you can't keep your word.
They shouldve atleast made a notice of it, Now we get even more confused people asking where their crates are. knew, but you're still complaining, still adding to the confusion, still trolling?
Wow. No words.
And seriously, chill out. They have "kept their promise" for all the others, but obviously they didnt realise the holiday would affect it. No need to cry about it. -
I know. Don't make promises when you can't keep your word.
They shouldve atleast made a notice of it, Now we get even more confused people asking where their crates are. -
[MOD]NattNatt wrote: » knew, but you're still complaining, still adding to the confusion, still trolling?
Wow. No words.
And seriously, chill out. They have "kept their promise" for all the others, but obviously they didnt realise the holiday would affect it. No need to cry about it.
Yes Im still complaining even tho its just a little thing and it doesnt really effect anyone. Thats because theres almost always 'little things" happening with z8 and after a while little things add up.
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