Several improvements from me

1. how 2 remove cheaters in game

add a SMS verification of accounts.
any player without verification can play only at one server.
add new rule to Terms (1 mobile phone = 1 account).
SMS verification will cost 2-3 USD. and Z8Games can give to all, who pass verification ZP/ZP crates etc.

how that can help to remove cheaters? easy. nobody can use here cell phone number twice or more. If he was banned in CFNA - no more free registration with that number.

2. increase responsibility of vote kick system.

sometimes i meet an action in game, which looks like a harrassment. For example, several players come in game and one from them start to kick others for a fake reasons. That situation isn't correct and must be changed for a fair play. How Z8Games can do it?

a) show IGN of player, who start the voting to his victim.
b) victim can save the screenshot and replay.

player, who was kicked from the game for a FAKE reason can create a report about harrassment situation in game (screenshot and replay needed). IF harrassment situation is confirmed, the player, who start voting should be punished.
For example, at 1-st time - 1 day offline of game. 2-nd - 1 week offline of the game and lose HSR ribbon. 3-rd time - 1 month offline. 4 and more - 1 year offline.

3. VIP club
everybody can get VIP club card for a ZP.
VIP cards will be temporary. Terms: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 month, 1 year.
Price of VIP cards - is determined by Z8Games Team

Why we want to get that cards?
different gifts like a temp ZP guns, ZP crates, ZP permanent guns etc.
that's also is determined by Z8Games Team.

VIP club cards will set to player, who purchase it a VIP club level.
More long term of card = more high VIP club level.
More high VIP club level = more valuable gifts from Z8Games Team.
Everybody can purchase several VIP club cards and increase his VIP club level to maximum.


  • Just add a higher rank requirement to some servers and a ping limit to rooms and 3/4 of the players will be fine.
  • 1. Sounds good, why not.

    2. The kick system should be removed, or a player with a VIP card like you mentioned, should be able to use the kick system

    3. I've suggested this before, and it's a really good idea.
  • Magnificent ideas from Brodiki1 +1..

    Danah's suggestion (which has been mentioned multiple times) is a MUST as well. Either notions would be greatly welcome to our community/game (from the native side, especially) as it would improve our game drastically.. and save it from:

  • +1 for the ideas, however wouldn't having the verification remove some of the free to play feel from the game? (not that that there was a lot to begin with but i'm saying this for people who have never played before)
  • 4. CF bots to all modes. Let's call it "Training mode".
    Like a TD now, it will be simply training (one players vs bots) or mixed (mixed teams with players and bots). IMHO, it will be interesting to play with Leg. bots at mixed mode in SnD...
  • Danah wrote: »
    Just add a higher rank requirement to some servers and a ping limit to rooms and 3/4 of the players will be fine.

    Yup everything else he mentioned is really unnecessary lol.
  • Alot of ideas have already been suggested so the "from me" part isnt necessary,however thats not the point here.

    1. the verifications could be done like they do on Steam if you sell too much in an year's time. A Prepaid card for a mobile number is as low as 5usd + the 2-3 usd cost for the verification = nothing for those with tons who spend lots of zp's monthly and have alot of alts
    2. theres a topic for that but seeing how that didnt go anywhere,any ideas for the kick system are useless (because the "official" topic didnt generated any results or changes)
    3. is from another version but I like that system there

    So I do agree with the ideas,but if they could simply port/add whats already happening in a certain version,things would be better.(example:only VIP players being able to initiate vote kicks in certain modes,VIP players doesnt reffer to those who own VIP weapons (notice how those weapons are actually named VVIP,double V (not W),because the true VIP "system" is something else with privileges and etc,I with they could add that system)
  • I really like the 1) suggestion. Less hackers for sure..

    Hopefully they read this and implement it into our accounts.
  • svanced wrote: »
    Alot of ideas have already been suggested so the "from me" part isnt necessary,however thats not the point here.

    1. the verifications could be done like they do on Steam if you sell too much in an year's time. A Prepaid card for a mobile number is as low as 5usd + the 2-3 usd cost for the verification = nothing for those with tons who spend lots of zp's monthly and have alot of alts
    2. theres a topic for that but seeing how that didnt go anywhere,any ideas for the kick system are useless (because the "official" topic didnt generated any results or changes)
    3. is from another version but I like that system there

    So I do agree with the ideas,but if they could simply port/add whats already happening in a certain version,things would be better.(example:only VIP players being able to initiate vote kicks in certain modes,VIP players doesnt reffer to those who own VIP weapons (notice how those weapons are actually named VVIP,double V (not W),because the true VIP "system" is something else with privileges and etc,I with they could add that system)

    Yep, i really hope that some of those ideas will ever come.. it would help alot. im sure about that
  • and the hypocrit banner for the newcommers *,.* want to play whitout cheaters ?!? buy vvip!!!

    well would glad to see the clean air act reinforcement ... but the inquiry monkeys can do only one thing ... it's obviously pray for better times *,.*
  • The issue I'd see with 1 is that it would require everyone who wants to play to have a cell phone, and not all players can afford that or have one.

    My issue with 3 is just more of a personal preference against it since a 'VIP Club' feels very subscription-y to me, which I don't think would do well with the current way the other parts of the game run.

    2 and 4 I'd love to see, actually. Good ideas.